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RE: How To Avoid Plagiarism - A Simple Guide for Hive

in TheTerminal β€’ 3 years ago

I must confess that usually in nature publications I use paraphrasing when I need information from the animal I presented, I didn't know it was an elegant way to plagiarize πŸ˜‚πŸ˜, sometimes I need to quote something important but since I don't know how to do it I end up skipping it and leaving the publication somewhat terse.

This publication will be useful to new and old hivers like me, that almost two years and still presented doubts at the time of documenting something.

Thank you very much, your publication, besides being informative, was a pleasant reading, I will save your post in my favorites and I will reblog it hoping it will reach many people. Thank you and best regards @adalger.

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Thanks @soyunasantacruz πŸ™ .. Most of the people that did not properly use these plagiarism rules were actually havin the same problem, namly no knowledge how to use them .. I am actually no fan of accusing, and I believe that proper education beforehand is the very best approach .. I am happy that this post is so well accepted. I tried my best to make it an easy and understandable guide to apply for everyone. I wanted to be absolutely sure that everyone can use it for all of their work 😁