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RE: Fotografía macro de un escarabajo negro / Macro photography of a black beetle

in Fascinating Insects7 months ago

Great pics of a wonderful beetle, it was a pleasure to read your post!

The wings seem to be somewhat damaged, I guess it didn't fly at all, right?

I found almost no information on the internet about this species but apparently and from the similarity of the photos it is probably an Eophileurus chinensis.

Yes, it looks plausible at a first glance, but I wonder if Eophileurus chinensis has been found outside of Asia yet? If not then maybe it's a close relative ...


It's my pleasure you liked it ☺️
No, his wings were ok, I thought the same about them but I think they were only a little numb because later he flew.
Maybe he arrived to this part of the world in secret 🤭🤭🤭