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RE: Our biggest Dragonfly family!

Good day Zac,

I'm talking of Euros 😉
But you are right, something's wrong, has been wrong for a long time ... money goes to money.

Yes, we know that he has visited a friend together with other friends. All have got the virus after the visit, but all are fine and they are still friends 😁

Cheers and !BEER


Hi Hannes,

Yes, I know that you are talking in Euros, but the basic principle remains the same.
The rich gets richer and the poor continous to suffer.

Great that they have all remained friends and realize that anyone can get that virus.
Janton told me this morning the he is on your case and I am grateful 😄

Cheers and thanks.

Good morning Zac,

of course you are right - the principle remains the same, but you were talking about millions for a house and that has confused me - for millions you can buy a castle here ;)

Oh yes, Janton and I have much fun talking mostly stupid and dreaming of a castle, just as before on the other blockchain :)

Cheers with !BEER and !WINE

Good morning Hannes,

The current exchange rate of our ZAR is ZAR 17:53 = 1 Euro
I read this morning that new rich migrants from up north in our country moving here pays up to ZAR 80,000 PER MONTH FOR RENT. Sorry for the capitals but I am shocked.

One month's rent for them is my full year's salary.

Between the two of us, I hope that Janton will start to post again and glad that he is at least now chatting to us. I am also waiting to hear from JJ, so yeah all is well.

Cheers and thanks.

Hi Zac 😄

well, I would love to be able to pay such a rent.

I wonder if Janton will come back for good and even post again, but Mrs J will have an eye on him. JJ will certainly be back as soon as everything is fine again.

Hope your day is going well 🌞

Cheers with !BEER and !WINE

Good afternoon Hannes,

We had computer training on the new Papillon Wordpress website for most of the day and I have already forgotten half of what I learned 🤣

Any case, have a look at it thus far and I will hopefully soon complete the "Gallery" page and make it live.

A lot of work still to be done, but the basics are done methinks.

Nah, I don't think that Janton will be back anytime soon and JJ said that Lulu is slowly improving.
So yeah, a happy Friday to you mate.

Cheers and thanks!

I have had a quite busy Friday, so I say good evening Zac 😄

After a busy day in the home office my wife and I have been cleaning some of our drawers - I can tell you that I have so much space for my things now ... and I have much less things left to store too 😃
It was hard to throw some things away, but I haven't used these for years and they only needed space.

There's always something to do on a website and yours looks nice and promising ☺️

I am also taking a break from the Hive somehow. Don't know when I will make my next post, but I'll be back, just as the J's will be back one day 😁

Hope you will have a wonderful weekend my friend 🌞

Cheers with !BEER and !WINE

Good morning Hannes,

Always hurts when one has to dump a treasured thing that one has not used for years.
I still cling to a "few" things here, but will just have to let go. It is also so amazing when one all of a sudden finds so much more open spaces and to me it feels like cleaning my soul.
But soon it becomes cluttered again 🤣

Sad news that I will be losing you as well now, as you have also become a reasured friend.
But obviously you have your reasons and I respect that.
If I am not mistaken, your name also starts with a J and so it will be three missing Js.

Just take care and look after yourself my friend.

Cheers and thanks.

Ps. Oh and please let me know occasionally how things are with you.

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