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RE: Fotografía macro de un escarabajo negro / Macro photography of a black beetle

in Fascinating Insects7 months ago

Wow, these are amazing shots! Did you buy a new phone? Or maybe you have improved your photography skills a lot lately :) Really impressive pictures, congrats! Also, kudos for not being afraid to actually hold this big fella, even though I already now that Gatubela is not afraid of handling any animal haha :)

It looks like a member of the scarab family to me. They are huge but beautiful. Pretty fascinating to realize that these guys with their massive bodies can fly :) I think they have made some physicists scratch their heads haha :D


Hahaha, new phone? No hahaha, I'm happy with my cellphone, I only have two years with it, I think my photo skills are improving because I have been watching many tutorials on photography tricks and techniques 😃😉 thanks for your appreciation ☺️🤗
Can you imagine Gatubela being afraid of an insect? 🙄 That would be a fiasco and a shame 😬🤦🏻‍♀️😂😂 I'm not afraid of any insect or animal, the only animal that I usually dislike is humans 😒🙄😂😂😂🤷🏻‍♀️
Since I usually write about insects, I have been very struck by the little information that is available on the Internet about most of them 😕🤔 and that's why it's not easy to identify them 🤷🏻‍♀️
This little guy is like a flying tank 🤭🤭🤭