
Gorgeous to see them again, I did remember you have helping hand toward butterflies in your area 😅

Trust the family are all well, I do see them from time to time when travelling around, they look happy! Obviously you and hubby miss the little one, hope you get to see them all again soon, more travel makes life interesting when young.

You know I love to help out the butterflies every year. I just enjoy it so much! Yes, we do miss the family but we video chat every other day so it is kinda like being with them. We are thankful that we can do that. All is well with us but our new puppy is sure keeping us on our toes. lol I hope all is well with you as well.

Technology makes it easier to keep contact in most places which helps, puppy sounds adorable to have keeping you company in the garden and home.

Butterflies nurtured, set free then enjoy pollinating your garden a sanctuary all of it's own.

Returned after a week away hence late reply, apologies 🤗