Bees Fight for Couples


On a sunny afternoon I walked in front of the house while looking at photo objects that sometimes I could shoot, I saw some fresh growing weeds with their newly blooming flowers, the rain that had been falling regularly lately had woken them up.



My eyes fell on a pair of bees perched on a dry branch they looked at each other, it seemed they were very familiar and had known each other for a long time, I don't know what they saw and imagined, staring at each other without movement, very confused.






I draw a few conclusions, but this is still classified as conjecture, maybe they are in love.

Every now and then they bite and grip the twigs where they are perched when the wind blows a little bit hard, and it makes me a little overwhelmed taking pictures of this couple, the longer they seem to be more romantic.










The atmosphere suddenly changed, when another male bee appeared, with a slight movement showing charm to the female, it seemed that he was very interested in the female, several seductions and temptations were issued to hook the female.

Apparently the male was disturbed by the newcomer bee and there was a bit of a dispute there, the newcomer bee had a slightly bigger body, and fights were inevitable.

Secretly, the female seems to have a crush on a newcomer bee who knows what possessed the female, she acts a little strange, and seems to accept herself as a bone of contention.

Seeing the female give a little wind to him, the bee did not stay silent, he immediately blocked and stood right in front of the female spreading charm.






Feeling humiliated in front of the female, the male bee was furious trying to teach the bee a lesson, but what he got, the bee's several blows landed on his body many times, what a poor man.

Many times he almost fell and came back he put up a fight but in vain, the newcomer bee gave another blow, he really looked helpless.

I was shaking and sweating a bit in the shooting session of this hot scene, the branches were shaking strongly when the fierce battle took place plus the occasional strong wind made me overwhelmed in shooting.

The male's heartache escalated when the female bee made out a little in front of his eyes.

Seeing the male bee still holding on to the wooden branch directly behind him and seeing it slightly off guard, made the newcomer bee feel furious and again gave a few punches, this was very painful, and the fight continued.







Over time, apparently the female began to get a little disturbed by this commotion, in a bit of a break, but the situation was getting more complicated.


Finally the female chased them both away, now she is alone perched on a dry branch, with no one to accompany and without a fuss, I am a little confused by the life of this bee, but confusion is useless to me, because this is animal life and very much different from humans.

Nature has a variety of life in it, walking in nature while observing what is there and has been presented there is a blessing that cannot be expressed in words.

Stories about nature will never end.

Best regard