Sportstalk Weekly Showcase

Hello and welcome to another edition of the sportstalk showcase where we highlight what is good in our community. Wherever possible new users are featured on the showcase in order to grow their followers. All of these posts are live meaning they all fall within the 7 day window of curation. As much as we all love votes a follow would be highly appreciated if you find an author that interests you. This is more about promoting the author than the post as most of these posts are already well rewarded.

Back To The Foredeck

The jet setting Aussie @jobiker is back at the helm this time back in Thailand competing in a regatta. We don't get may sailing posts except when the America's Cup is happening and thus this makes for an interesting read as this is not the norm. Not many of us get the chance to go sailing let alone in two different countries within the last month. I enjoy the laid back story telling as this is like a personal diary of @jobiker's adventures.

Spurs and The Gunners Victories keeps United under more Pressure...

For those of you that don't know yet @nucleus-tezz is a die hard Manchester Untied fan who is only coming to realise the realities of how bad their situation is currently. Many of us can see this unfolding yet fans supporting the team are blind to the obvious as they believe in hope. In every sport a team that dominates at the top will be replaced and this is another case of that happening. Staying at the top is easier than trying to get back up as everyone is trying to get there. Who knows if it will ever happen again as we all know the sporting world is changing all the time. Buying 2 or 3 players without fixing the obvious weaknesses in the squad may have worked 10 or 15 years ago but today that won't cut it. The money coming into the Premier League has changed the landscape with Man City, Newcastle, Chelsea, Liverpool becoming the dominant forces over the next 10 years with Arsenal and Tottenham possibly joining that list. A good read by
@nucleus-tezz as this team means so much to him and he wears his heart on his sleeve.

First Race of the Season 2022 - Surprises and Winners!

First time on the showcase for @ga38jem which is what this is all about promoting newcomers wherever possible. A great round up of the action from the first Formula One race of the season which if it carries on this way should be epic. The first race is always met with anticipation and trepidation as no team knows how well there package/car will perform over 57 laps. Testing is one thing but under racing conditions nothing is the same. With the new extra additives to the fuel this season (greener) the Red Bull engine was caught out and it may be as simple as adding more fuel to the tank so the fuel pump can work properly. Apparently this was a known issue beforehand and possibly their calculations were off cutting it too fine.

A Kickbox Game - Sinan Ulutürk (eng-tr)

I would like to welcome @oneplanet to sportstalk whose uncle is establishing a sporting brand called Warsey in Turkey which means we now have 2 with Everlast being in my family. This up and coming fighter Sinan Ulutürk is their sponsored fighter and will be following to see how well he does over the coming year. He looks mean enough and looks the part so I am sure he will achieve loads. I think it is great having so many users from all parts of the world as sportstalk is truly international these days. @oneplanet is definitely someone to follow as there will no doubt be inside scoops with various fighters and a behind scenes look at what happens pre and after fights.

Monday Sports Talk Social Quiz #10 - Win 100k SPORTS + 500k SPORTS delegation

A showcase would not be a showcase without @talesfrmthecrypt with his Monday Sports Quiz. This week was somehow more challenging than the others so far and is a real test of the grey matter. I skipped the first section as nothing jumped out at me as being obvious and need more time to work these answers out. I you haven't had a go yet there are still plenty of questions open which tells a lot about how smart we are as a community. I will add a bonus prize for question 5 so I dare all of you to go and have a try. This quiz master @talesfrmthecrypt is beating us up and we cannot let him get the better of the community.


Thank you for another update and the support you keep giving the community. Deeply appreciated, sir. Yes, the situation at United is crazy but I still know that team doesn't have any fight within them to rise up to the occasion.

Thank a lot🙌 I am very happy to see this pots. I will continue to share more posts on this topic 🥊 Thank you so much 🌸

It's great that these unique writers are being publicized. Hopefully, they'll gain more readers and attention.

Solid picks.

Thanks for the featuring and I'm still standing by my belief, we won't stand down for that long, taking about a decade? It definitely won't take that much from now.

Love the weekly updates, it really binds everything together from the community

A lot of people are coming to the reality of Manchester United. We have to be honest with ourselves that this team has a long way to go. My expectations has reduced so it's whatever they give, they give. I will have to painstakingly wait for them to come good, whenever that would be.

Thank you for everything you are doing sir

Congratulations to the selected authors

Thanks @cryptoandcoffee for the mention once again. Very appreciated.

Your content has been voted as a part of Encouragement program. Keep up the good work!

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