The Fight For The Title

in Sports Talk Social2 years ago

It's the beginning of the year, which should mean a fresh start in every championship. However, some athletes have tough challenges to face this year.

Today I'd like to talk about Lewis Hamilton, the Brit F1 driver, who's not my favorite for a number of reasons, but my personal preference does not count in this case. I need to mention from the beginning that I quit watching F1 a long time ago, but what's happened recently has made the news and there has been no chance to avoid it as every news outlet has been covering the events.

If you follow F1, you know that the Brit lost the championship in 2021 to Max Verstappen. His faith was decided in the last lap of the last race. It was a last minute thing and also a huge slap on his and his team's face as he could have overtaken Schumacher's place and be registered in history as holding the most World Drivers' Championship titles, eight in total to be precise. Now he has a joint-record with the German. I'm not going to go into details about if what happened in Abu Dhabi was correct or not, it's not the scope of my post.


Lewis Hamilton didn't take it well as he was so close to the title and a new record, yet everything changed in a few minutes. The title was gone and so was his dream to make a new record. After the race, he decided to totally withdraw from public life and social media as well. He didn't take part of the final ceremony either.


Now there are voices saying he's going to retire. No one knows for sure if he's going to do it or not, as there's no official press release about it yet, nor has he tweeted or published his intention on any social media platform so far. However, I was thinking what would be the best option for him as he's in a very difficult situation right now.

When is the right time to retire, has always been the question for every athlete. No one knows the answer to that question. It is the athlete's decision and they only know after, if they took the right decision or not.


Lewis Hamilton is 36 years old, which means he's closer to the end of his career than to the beginning. With a lot of new drivers in the race, his job is becoming harder and harder, he has to work more for the same result, which is never guaranteed. If he decides to stay in the race this year, his only choice is to win. Losing again would hurt his image pretty badly and he can't afford that.

Ever since I've heard the rumors that he's retiring, I kept thinking of Serena Williams. I must have been a psychologist in my previous life as these things always seem interesting to me.


Serena Williams is also chasing a much desired record, that keeps moving away from her as time passes. She'd like to get her 24th Grand Slam title, which will only be enough to equal Margaret Court's record. Williams would need another one to take the lead, which will never happen in my very humble opinion.

She has announced her participation at the Australian Open in 2022, where she will attempt to win the title. She will be coming after a downward trend, that ended in getting injured. Personally I am very skeptical, I don't think she will get far, let alone win the title, but I'll let her convince me otherwise.

The other athlete that seems to be in a very difficult position is Novak Djokovic. He's being held at a detention facility in Australia, due to his visa cancellation. The case is still ongoing, there will be a hearing on Monday, but according to the existing details, it looks like he does not meet the requirements for entering the country and the chances to be deported is high.

Djokovic is among the most Grand Slam title holders, but currently he's sharing the title with Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer. Of these three, the one who gets another Grand Slam title will lead.


Federer has less chance to win another title. He's been dealing with injuries and even if he's coming back at full capacity, his chances to get another title are slim to none. Nadal missed most of last year, also due to injuries. I'm not sure in what shape he is in, but even though he has better chances than Federer, winning will not be easy for him.


Novak Djokovic has the most chance of the three as he's in a good shape, but in case he's not going to be let to compete in Australia, his chances to get ahead of the others will also be slim to none. Vaccination is mandatory for most of the tournaments and the only Grand Slam chance he has without getting vaccinated is the Roland Garros.

It's going to be an interesting year, not that the last one was boring. A few athletes will put to the test and will be forced to make some tough decisions. Tennis is my main focus and can't wait to watch the Australian open, but I'm going to follow F1 as well, to see what Hamilton is going to do.



You got me with Lewis. Memories came back up from my former job when I almost denied him entrance to a fashion show in Paris because I didn't recognized him 😂. Luckily my partner jumped in whispering that it is Lewis Hamilton. Would have been interesting otherwise lol. Sorry, just got flashbacks. 😅

Not impressed at all! 😠 Why did he get a free pass?

Ok, on a serious note, if he did not meet the requirements, then he should have started outside 😈

Lol, he was invited but supposed to take the main entrance. We were guarding the VIP entrance for our protectees but since he is friends, or at least was, with them it was good that José jumped to my side. No worries about him but stress with the client you better avoid lol. Anyhow, he was just one of many I did not recognize. 😄

No worries, when it comes to celebrities, i look like I've come from the moon and I'm fine with it 😄 Just waste of time

After all they are just humans and though I recognize their success, they don't shit rainbows. Some are nice, some are celebrities. Not being a fan made my job possible, though sometimes challenging. 😄

Anyhow, have a great weekend 😊

Thank you my friend, I wish you the same, enjoy your weekend without celebrities 😂

Lewis obviously has something to prove and very little time to do it. Personally I don't think he'll be retiring until he breaks that record.

I guess sooner or later he's going to show up in social media and address the matter. We agree on the fact that he has very little time and if he wants the title he has to act fast.

It's hard to call what Hamilton will do. He feels wronged and justifiably so, the way the season ended for him. He was the sacrificial lamb on the table of TV excitement for the millions watching. It would be like the ref blocking a last minute shot in a world cup final that had the keeper beaten.

As for Serena, I think I've as much chance of winnng the Australian open as she has and I'm not even a woman!

I have to clarify again, that I was not focusing on if the decision was right o not as I don't know the rules. My focus was more on what he's going to do and what are his chances as that's more interesting for me.

Maybe you know more about what's happened. Did they appeal the decision? If not, why not?

Abut Serena, she should have retired ages ago and that says it all. I don't follow WTA only ATP but I'm going to follow her in Australian Open, to see how far she can go. But you are right.

I don't think he will quit now as he is going to show everyone this season why he is the best driver. The FIA trying to prevent him from winning the 8th title is going to drive him to that title and will retire once he has done this. Hunger and passion has nothing to do with it and why he is more driven than anyone else on the grid this year. Driving a formula one car is different to other sports as it is more mental than physical even though you need to be super fit. Serena should have retired as leaving when you are at the top is what makes you great and remembered for what you have accomplished. Hanging around more in hope is tarnishing her name and her career. This is why Hamilton will win this season and retire.

I understand what you are saying and this is how it should happen, but you can never be sure of anything, so we have to wait and see. If Hamilton has some pride left in him, he will show his face and start fighting.

About Serena ... what can I possibly say that has not been said already. She's prolonging what is inevitable and with every year, with every tournament she's deleting the good results she has been able to achieve. I guess everyone remembers her as the one who could not let go already and not in a good way.

Excuse my French, but Hamilton would be a real pussy, if he quits now…

He wont retire as he has somehting to prove this season.

My point exactly, he has the best car, by far, so I understand the pressure, but still he has to prove he can handle it!

It's his decision. We'll see.

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It baffles me how everyone talks about Lewis exploits every time and ignore Max’s doggedness though.

Yeah, it's a free world and people are allowed to talk about what they want.

In your own opinion sir do you think max deserved to win the title? Not like I’m a Max fan though, just curious . Bless up!

  1. I'm a woman.
  2. I don't know honestly. I wrote in my post that I'm not going t discuss if the decision was write or wrong because that wasn't the focus of my post. I'm not very familiar with the rules and only know what there has been available in the media.

However, one thing is for sure. There are always ways to appeal the decision and try to make things right if there has been something wrong committed. As far as I know they did not appeal it, so .... what can I say? What's official is official and we have to accept it.

Yeah right ! It is what it is !! What’s official is official,no need crying over spilled milk. I’ll be looking forward to more of your write ups on here. Best wishes!!

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Love your blog and it was an interesting read especially that of Lewis Hamilton. To be honest, I am a fan of Michael Schumacher I do not want his record to be broken, but as history always taught that records are always meant to be broken it will be only a matter of time when that happens. Good evening.

It is inevitable as one day someone will be achieving what no one could so far. Technology is getting better and better, very soon you'll see faster engines, better tracks, so it's going to happen.

Hamilton shouldn't retire. He has atleast 2 more years to win more races and set a new record.

As for serena, I think her career already ended after she gave birth.
Federer to retire this year, nadal would set a new record.

I agree with you on Serena and Federer, but bot on Nadal. He's losing ground or going backwards. He can't compete with Zverev and Medvedev anymore but we'll see. He has this year to prove me wrong.

I would say it is time for Federer to "hang the racquet". He has no been competing in the last two seasons. I wish he comes back and give fight to the youngsters, but I think he won't be able. Serena still has some fuel to keep on winning matches and even a great tournament . Women tennis is less stable than men's tennis. I mean there is no a single player that can be dominant for long time as she has been, so she can come back and even win one more grand slam. However,I feel Serena is now interested in being a mama, wife and business woman, so coming back as the frightening Serena would be harder for her. Regarding Nole, he till has no top. I see him winnig two grand slams this year. Well, if he gets vaccinated, of course. 😅😅 Excellent post

I wouldn't say she's more interested in being a mom, wife or business woman. She wants another title or two, but she's not capable anymore.

if she would be more focused, I think she could .

Wow, now this is an excellent post I must say.

Got me hooked from the beginning.

Glad to hear.

Hamilton is a good Musical, I just don't know if it can gets the title of best Musical this year 😄

I am so sorry, that was the worst joke I ever made, I am leaving now haha...

Joke aside I am a 100% behind Djokovic!!!

I really want Serena to equal Margaret court's record.
She totally deserves it

She;s the one who's stopping herself, no one else does. It's up to her. There's no other impediment.

Lewis took that loss to heart, seriously. I feel for him but he lost anyway. Heard he was knighted in England by the queen. I hope he comes back stronger.

Nice post.

Yes, he was knighted but I guess not by the queen but by prince Charles.