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RE: Gymnastics - Hardest Vaults by Simone Biles

Welcome to Hive. Thank you for letting us know.


To confirm your authorship of the content, could you please mention the word "Hive" or add a hyperlink to Hive in your YouTube channel:

You can remove this mention, once we confirm the authorship.

Thank you.

More Info: Introducing Identity/Content Verification Reporting & Lookup


I have added the line "You can also watch my videos on Hive posted by user @SpringWind46." at the bottom of the About section in my YouTube channel as per your request:

Thank you.
Your account has been verified.

Regarding our copypasta comment.

It is recommended to create unique content for the Hive ecosystem to support its Proof of Brain concept.

Cross-posting/copying & pasting content/articles from other social media/websites that you own may be perceived by some users as an attempt to farm rewards with copypasta spam.

Unless the rewards are declined on cross-posted content published in of the frontends/blogs in the Hive ecosystem.

If you would like to keep the rewards, another alternative is to promote the Hive ecosystem in your articles/videos on other social media/websites before cross-posting them to Hive.

What I wrote in this post is quite different from what I wrote as the video description in my video (anybody who bothers to read my video description will notice). The above reply actually seems like a copy-paste reply that lies on a template and is just copied on the comment, so it seems to me that there is more time already wasted from my side than any "rewards", in fact, I don't use Hive for the rewards, which, compared to YouTube are less than insignificant. I post in Hive because I like the interaction with other members of the community, but, when a post is incorrectly flagged as "copy-paste", and I am informed by an actually copy-paste reply, calling it out is the right thing to do.