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RE: Community Voice: How Do we move SportstalkSocial Community further from here?

Thanks for the comments and suggestions! I'm excited by the interest everyone has in making this tribe as functional as possible!

1.) I agree we could use a face lift. Right now we're using the open source HE condenser that I believe is a fork from Changing from it will require a developer that can maintain the code for a new site which is what has kept us from going that route. There are a lot of advancements happening, though I'm not sure what all is open source, within Hive and it's second layers. Maybe more options will happen in the future to advance this realm.

2.) THIS A THOUSAND TIMES OVER! I couldn't agree more and hope that we have more advancements in 2021 in this realm.

3.) I agree here as well. I've sent out emails to tons of blogs on the web in hopes of getting them to even adopt something like Exxp where their posts could automatically come. I'll continue to focus efforts there this year and hope we get more blogs to join us.

Thanks a lot for these and keep them coming!