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RE: Learning how to service my scooter (moped)

in Hive Motors2 years ago

Hey thanks for the nice words.
I had to choose between getting rid of the scooter for something else cuz it was killing my back or fix it. Since the mechanic wasn’t too keen on doing work on this bike cuz they are not doing job on Kymco usually, I chose to do it myself.

The new shocks definitely made a big difference. With the old ones I could feel all the road imperfections but the new ones smoothen all the small ones which removed most of the continuous vibrations.

Bleeding the brakes wasn’t too hard actually. I just took a piece of tubing and put one end on the brake the other in a bottle and pumped the brake lever. At the beginning it was a bit stiff, probably cuz of the dirty fluid. Then it was smooth.

Thanks for the video. I watched a lot of riding tips videos 😄