[ESP-ING] Reparando el motor de mi moto matrix una gran experiencia /Repairing my matrix motorcycle engine a great experience

in Hive Motors3 years ago


Hola amigos, hoy les vengo a contar otra aventura mas, pero primero esta es mi primera vez participando en esta comunidad en un concurso OCD Community Boost Contest #9: Highlighting Hive Motors. Donde compartiré una mala experiencia.

Hello friends, today I come to tell you about another adventure, but first this is my first time participating in this community in a contest OCD Community Boost Contest #9: Highlighting Hive Motors. Where I will share a bad experience.

Les cuento que un día salí iba camino a mi casa y la moto comenzó con una falla, comenzó a consumir mucha gasolina y me quede tuve que llamar a mi hermano para que me auxiliara con gasolina, el me trajo gasolina y me vine a mi casa.

I tell you that one day I was on my way home and the bike started to fail, it began to consume a lot of gasoline and I had to call my brother to help me with gas, he brought me gas and I came to my house.

Empecé a desarmar la moto porque pensé que estaba fallando por carburación le quite el carburador y se lo lleve a un especialista, entonces el especialista lo arreglo lo entono perfecto y me dijo que estaba bien incluso vino a mi casa a montárselo y fuimos a dar una vuelta y seguía igual consumía demasiada gasolina y votaba humo negro y seguía la falla le cambiamos la bujía y seguía igual.

I started to disassemble the bike because I thought it was failing due to carburetion, I removed the carburetor and took it to a specialist, then the specialist fixed it and told me it was fine, he even came to my house to mount it and we went for a ride and it still consumed too much gasoline and blew black smoke and the failure continued, we changed the spark plug and it was still the same.

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Luego busque ayuda con otros mecánicos me dijeron que era el motor que tenia que hacerle motor que eso era aros encontrados se encontraron los aros del piston así que tuvimos que bajarle el motor colocarle piston con aros nuevos, gomitas de válvula fue una mala experiencia pasar por todo esto pero ya quedo arreglada y lista para seguir rodando.

Then I sought help with other mechanics told me it was the engine that had to do engine that was found rings were found piston rings so we had to lower the engine put the piston with new rings, valve gums was a bad experience to go through all this but it was fixed and ready to continue rolling.

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.Gracias amigos por leerme y apoyarme nos vemos en otra aventura mas.

Thanks friends for reading and supporting me, see you in another adventure

Mi participación en el concurso / My participation in the contest


Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad
All photos are my property
