
Seguro que por buen motivo no probaste con el pelo jajaja, a lo mejor esto es imposible 😂

but if I bought a paint spray, and put my hair like in the photo in the post and sprayed the paint over it, the covered area would stay like the background... maybe - I am just thinking aloud about more possibilities I could try haha

Ahhh with aerosol is another thing, you put the hair in and spray the aerosol that way when you take the hair out the shape will remain. That way it would look great!

PS: you could try feathers....😉

Yes, that is what I thought but you explained better, thanks.

You mean my own feathers? 😂 first I have to let some wings grow on me 😂

We are angels... why not? hahahaha

I was referring to bird feathers... any... same technique with the aerosol!