Failures and successes in shades of yellow

in Kindness Rockslast month

I wouldn't judge you if you wondered whether the admin of this community abandoned this corner for painting on rocks or not. See the date of her last post in the community feed of Kindness Rocks... Did you check? Tell me then because I can't look out of shame.

Maybe there is no answer to the question of why so long time since the last one. Maybe there is, but if I am going to say it in everyday language, and even better just in one word, it would be life. You can picture all that this word brings with it so I don't have to write it down. Everything you want to imagine. You all have your own one and more or less we all know what it means.

Long story short, I didn't have time to sit down and dedicate myself to making many kindness rocks for 13 days (dang, I went to check the date!).

However, there were several activities in the meantime and one failed idea that I promised to mention. Here it comes, with two additional stories (to compensate for this long downtime)

The failure


Some time ago one of the smaller stones decided to wear a yellow outfit. It also had a special request: I would be the one to dress him. I mean my fingers would apply the paint.

After that wish was fulfilled I let it dry and then the real fun time could start. It would be my print on the stone, my fingers and my hair... yes, I wanted to have my hair "printed" on the rock.

Wouldn't that be interesting? Well, that was the concept.


But the reality... that's where the part from the title comes in - the failure. A complete failure.

First I applied white acrylic paint on my hair but it got too sticky and the print was a mess. Then I mixed with blue and tried to take off the excess of the colour. Then it just dried up too quickly and again there was no success. I say - a complete failure.

But it's fine, one day I will find a way to do it. ;)

{any idea from the professional artists?}



A gift for Chris


Chris is one of my lovely students from the UK.

We have lessons while she is here in Spain, for a few months. Today we had our last lesson for this semester as she has to go back... A little gift was made for her.

A few weeks ago I asked her what was her favourite colour. I got three colours as her answer and started applying the layers of yellow on one rock (actually two). Finally, after a gazillion layers, the coloured surface became smooth so the rest of her favourite colours could start appearing as little dots.




As I didn't have a lot of time I started with the little dots this morning. No breakfast or else - just a cup of coffee and the rock! I had less than two hours to complete it. 😱


I needed a gun to make the colours and the varnish dry on time!! 😂

That was a work against the clock but this time it was a success.

Issue number two - the circle was affected by that force again... the gravity. 😕
Or I simply can't draw a perfect circle doing it in this freestyle, with no previously marked line...

But, I gave her this surprise and the imperfect circle was not a problem at all. She was touched!



Oops - "accidentally" my thumb covered my signature 😁

This is what she said and repeated in a message... that she will look after it forever! And practice all the piano pieces! 🎶😇



A gift for my sister

I had that second pebble painted in yellow. While cooking - as really, no other time for the rock activity, I drew the outlines of a simple flower with a pencil.


Later, I went over the pencil lines with a black acrylic marker, and then came my favourite style now - dots! And running back to the kitchen every few minutes - we don't want burnt lunch.

My husband came to help with taking a photo of mipiano in action and took over the cooking.


This is one side of the optimistic yellow rock that my sister will get. I wanted her to feel that way... and I asked her what she would like to see as a message on the other side. Joy, she said... among other things.


I wrote it but time ran out so just the varnish is needed here, to protect this little flower.



I didn't think of you once today, can you tell?






PS. One day when I grow up, I want to decorate stones this nicely!

PPS. I spotted quite a few ones that can bring inspiration :))

You chose the color yellow very well for the stone you were going to give to your student, the color of the sun, the color of gold, the color of the relationship between student and teacher, the happiness you feel knowing that you are contributing to their professional training. I am sure he left very happy. Thank you @mipiano for sharing. 💛🤗😀

Yellow is bringing happy vibes for me too and represents all of that you have mentioned
Yes, she was touched and had some tears in her eyes. Ella dijo que lo guardará para siempre! 😇

Yellow is such a happy color.

I love your sunny stones.

One time when I was having my hair trimmed, ok, when I cut it myself, I sabed some of it about 2 inches long and tyed a ribbon around that top of it to save. I hadn't thought of making paint brushes out of it. 😄

Maybe hair can be part of your Mixed Media art works ;))

{secretly hoping you will include a little ock of your hair in your next work :D}


Who knows ? It could happen !

You're getting quite good at this

Just joking, these are really good


...need to practice more 😁

The stones really do look very good very clever and thoghtfull, How is the hair these days? LOL

How is the hair these days? LOL

Getting white {naturally} - as on the photo 😂

being diplomatic, there is nothing wrong with a subtle shade of silver!!

😉 nothing wrong with it, that is true


It's great to see you come back with such positive messages for your loved ones. You'll create art on the rocks with your hair and it'll be a hit, I know. A failure is just a reminder that success is waiting to be conquered.


The hair thing - how much I liked my idea hahaha, but I will have to find a way to do it. Maybe I cut it and glue it on a rock 🤔

nah, it would not count 😂

💆🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ no cortar please, ni pegar...

Wow!!! Esas piedras amarillas son una belleza!! Cada día te quedan mejor. Qué lindo mensaje de tu alumna. Ya eres toda una pro!!...agilizando el proceso con una secadora de pelo!!🤣🤣

I have several tips for you 😉. When you are going to paint light colored rocks always give a white base, that will help you and avoid having to apply a thousand coats, especially yellow...that color is a real pain 😆.

For the hair (what creativity!!!! print your hair on the rock, great idea) try thinning the paint a little, not too much, just enough to paint well and not dry so fast.

Gracias profe de rocas de bondad! :) La secadora de pelo ayudó y con la última piedra porque todavía necesitaba unas capas amarillas... it was a grey rock hahah, it indeed needed a white base first. But that is the way of learning ;)

The hair - it will have to wait for some calmer days... too many events and performances this and the next week so imagine I go with coloured hair 😂
well, it would be cool actually ;) Thanks for the tip. Btw, I spent the whole white acrylic marker. Se acabó mientras hacía la roca para Chris, cuando tenía ya la mitad. Pues los puntitos blancos lo tenía que terminar con pintura del tubo 😵 What a perfect moment for more experiments hahaha 😂

I am waiting for your new creations. Nice to see your positive msg. All kindness rocks are very nice. Even though you said failed. But that looks very nice with your fingerprints. About the hair, I think you have very silky and soft hair. My recommendation is when you do your haircut, save the cut-out hairs and make a fine brush, it will be a fine liner brush. I did it once not for rock painting but something else. Take care busy busy ☺️

Thank you @hindavi :)

The hair can be used as a brush, yes I can see it. I don't know if I can achieve the way I want but when less busy I will try more experiments 😁

Yellow is wisdom, I love it!
For the theme of the hair it is complicated so I would put paint on the stone and then support the hair so that they remain as grooves or marks.

As for the other two they are beautiful and I see the beautiful circle!

It's true that it's been a long time since you've painted... but you always come back!

I have had two weeks... of it.... life, but with people at home, a relative on holiday and painting stones.... well impossible, next week I'll have more time.... I've already thought of little things!❤️

so I would put paint on the stone and then support the hair so that they remain as grooves or marks.

That sounds as a great idea!! but you think it would work on rocks? The paint should be then thicker, right? if I want the mark of the hair to be visible

For example in the middle area you put a thicker strip of paint, if it is acrylic it dries faster and there you support the hair. You can use two colours, two contrasting colours like stripes, and then you put the hair there.

For example in the middle area you put a thicker strip of paint, if it is acrylic it dries faster and there you support the hair. You can use two colours, two contrasting colours like stripes, and then you put the hair there.

Hair or other things for example...a crumpled plastic bag and you get marks in relief.

Se experimentará con estos consejos! Muchas gracias 🤗

Nunca probé cosas con cabellos pero si con texturas varias como tipo sellos y quedan bonitos!😘

Seguro que por buen motivo no probaste con el pelo jajaja, a lo mejor esto es imposible 😂

but if I bought a paint spray, and put my hair like in the photo in the post and sprayed the paint over it, the covered area would stay like the background... maybe - I am just thinking aloud about more possibilities I could try haha

Ahhh with aerosol is another thing, you put the hair in and spray the aerosol that way when you take the hair out the shape will remain. That way it would look great!

PS: you could try feathers....😉

Art + nature. Wonderful. 😊

thank you ;)


I feel if there is a way to reach out to the admin outside Hive, I hope people do so. We never can tell what it wrong with her…

Yeah, that's a good idea. I think I will contact her right now.

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Gracias @equipodelta 😇

@mipiano, you are most welcome!

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Nice work. I followed that, but just trying to catch up. Thanks for sharing your work.


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Painting your finger and your means that you are real artist!!!

My fingers got paint on them today again 😁

just beautiful!!