NEW AXIE CARDS LEEKED!! Sky Mavis's HUGE New Blog Post Explained | Axie Origins

in 1UP2 years ago (edited)

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When I did a post explaining some of the latest info about Axie Origins a few days ago, I thought that was it for a while...

Then last night right before bed I saw that there's been a HUGE INFODUMP from Sky Mavis, the biggest "LEEK" of new Axie Origins information that we have ever received. New photos, new cards, new systems explained. Wow!

After some sleep the first thing I did was jump in and record my reaction to the updates.

Nine New Cards

The thing that some people might be sleeping on is the huge amount of new cards that were revealed. We can see and analyze nine cards from the upcoming set, revealing keywords and ideas of energy, damage, and a few of the archetypes we can expect.

For example -- bug discard teams might be turning into "Dazed" teams, where annoying dead draws are added into the opponent's deck.

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This is just one of many new meta tidbits that we can enjoy discussing while we wait for the Axie Origins Alpha.


Remember Badges in Paper Mario? Those little collectables that could be equipped to your character for small stat bonuses. Well, it looks like Axie Origins will feature a similar mechanic.. and I'm pumped.

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The top photo is Paper Mario, the bottom one is the new LEEK from Axie Origins. So exciting!

Lots to Discuss

There's so much in the new blog post that it takes an entire video to explain. Click below if you want to go on a deep dive of the entire post including its many new leeks.


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Please vote for pizza.witness!

I really wish the entry point wasn't so high on this game

free to play is coming soon

Ah nice, even lower entry would be good