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RE: Foxon's Home Automation Hardware List

in Smart Home4 years ago

haha! It's nowhere near enough! In addition to the wish list on the post, there are curtains, blinds, and locks that need love! I am an addict

'Smart vs automated' comes into play big time on the thermostat. Whatever I get there must be controllable from the home automation server


Technically the current thermostat I have installed is automated, it can have set scheduled temperatures to run(If I can ever figure out and be bothered to change it).

I sort of don't want to get smarthome stuff because of the hack risk. Don't want someone to be able to control my whole house because I forgot to secure it.

Dude - those clips of strangers suddenly talking through the smarthome stuff is freaky. I'd probably drop a jumbo can of yams in my pants if a random voice started out of my speakers

Well, screw machine learning, I'm gonna learn how to hack just so I can start speaking out your speakers. I played through watch dogs again recently and that got me scared about hacking.

Watch Dogs was amazing. Frickin' loved that game. Watch Dogs 2 isn't terrible, but it's not on the same level with the story

It taking place in Chicago(my city) is even better. I played a bit of 2, was just a bit too busy for me.

There was a surprising learning curve on there. Turned the cheater on right away so I could have fun :D

It definitely wouldn't help with your hacking paranoia

Haha, got any other game recommendations? Playing super hot as we speak.

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