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RE: Foxon's Home Automation Hardware List

in Smart Home4 years ago

Technically the current thermostat I have installed is automated, it can have set scheduled temperatures to run(If I can ever figure out and be bothered to change it).

I sort of don't want to get smarthome stuff because of the hack risk. Don't want someone to be able to control my whole house because I forgot to secure it.


Dude - those clips of strangers suddenly talking through the smarthome stuff is freaky. I'd probably drop a jumbo can of yams in my pants if a random voice started out of my speakers

Well, screw machine learning, I'm gonna learn how to hack just so I can start speaking out your speakers. I played through watch dogs again recently and that got me scared about hacking.

Watch Dogs was amazing. Frickin' loved that game. Watch Dogs 2 isn't terrible, but it's not on the same level with the story

It taking place in Chicago(my city) is even better. I played a bit of 2, was just a bit too busy for me.

There was a surprising learning curve on there. Turned the cheater on right away so I could have fun :D

It definitely wouldn't help with your hacking paranoia

Haha, got any other game recommendations? Playing super hot as we speak.

I like third person, open world, action (light rpg is usually involved)
My favs:

  • Yakuza - I only play on PC, so there's only a handful, but they are so flippin' fun
  • Grand Theft Auto V
  • Assassin's Creed Origin and Odyssey

I also cheat constantly. Usually I can make it through tutorials, but after that it's all god mode

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