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Hello my friend!

Hope you're well!
I'm starting to follow you, and if you want, you can follow me too! !LUV

I realized that you are a relatively new user, and have knowledge in the health area. I also saw your post about feelings, and so I decided to bring you this invitation.

I would like to offer you the opportunity to join the FreeCompliments community, the most welcoming community on Hive. There is certainly a place for your posts! We also have a manual curation program and a rewards program for use of threads, anyway... many things!

We have a team of people who seek to offer support to other people who are in situations of mental suffering, who knows, maybe even you can help us with this goal.

The community has some jobs that are paid, as well as competitions that are awarded.

Find us through the links on your current frontend:

InLeo | Ecency | Peakd



Hello friend
I'm good and you?

I have followed back aswell.

Yes, I'm a healthcare professional (Pharmacist) by training and career.

Thanks so much for this invite and I have joined the community. Will be glad to be helpful and make impart as opportunity arises. Thanks