Every human being on the face of the earth has likes and dislikes as part of our nature. We are attracted to our likes and repelled by our dislikes. The beautiful part of it is that our likes and dislikes are different based on our personalty, brought up, environment, exposure or even choice. It is interesting how a set of twins may choose different things as likes or dislikes which shows how awesome nature can be. All these shows the power of our emotions.

For me, i have two major fears (also called phobias) over time which are; the fear of the dead also called Necrophobia and also, the fear of seeing horror/terrifying things either in movies or on real sight. For the former, I'm so fearful seeing a dead human being or seeing someone dead which was one of the main reasons i didn't opt for studying medicine as a career. I remembered how i normal don't go for lying-in-states or something related as regards a burial ceremony. I remembered how fearful i was for some days after seeing my grandma died in our house as a young boy then.


In addition, seeing horror/terrifying objects, movies is also a great phobia for meand the more reason i don't watch horror movies nor stand seeing such sights physically. One of my major way of overcoming such is to take my mind off them and not think on them even if i see such. By doing this and in no time, the fear fizzles out. Now, i am not as much fearful as i was when young with these two phobias because i have worked over my mind as regards such.

Another great thing i don't joke with personally is my mental health. My mental health speaks of my well-being emotionally, how I'm faring in my mind etc. I personally don't like to harbour any thought that would disturb my psyche because it can throw me off balance. The more reason i tried to be very selective of what i hear or see because these two are key to maintaining a good mental health. In addition to this, i always tried to relieve myself of stress by having a good workable plan, not allowing any pressure or duress whatsoever either from work, peers or whatsoever.


Also, i tried to avoid unhealthy rivalry, competition or whatever thing that can affect my good decision making. I personally believe that we all as human may face challenges at one time or the other, but we should never get to a point of been overwhelmed and not opening up to someone or seek necessary help from appropriate quarter, health including mental/psychological well being is key to enjoying a good life.

One of my dislikes (not fear this time around) also called pet-peeves is when someone flatulate (fart) around me especially while eating, it is so annoying to me. I dislike both the sound and smell because i believe the person is disturbing my own comfort with his/her own body waste which i believe simple courtesy will demand such to be done decently. Another dislike of me is when people soliloquies especially complaining or murmuring, i believe this is not good enough especially for adults as it doesn't change anything but can even add to it.


In all, phobias are real and same with pet-peeves, but a good management of them is very important. In addition, mental health is key to a good living which mustn't be left to chance, but to be deliberate about because "health is wealth." Thank you for reading even as comments and contributions are welcomed.

This is my participation post in #Mayinleo monthly prompt for day 24 by the #inleo. Check out this to get involved. @princessbusayo and @chidisticks, you are invited to join this initiative THUMBNAIL DESIGNED USING CANVA

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anything that disturbs our peace affects our mental health and it's good to lay them aside because our mental health is important to our overall health
And then some of your pet peeves, hahaha, it's annoying to have someone fart around you especially while eating

Exactly ma 💯
I agree with you ✓
Our mental health comes first because "Health is Wealth" of which mental health is a part of.

😂 Don't mind my pet-peeves, though that's just it.

Thanks so much for reading and commenting.

Hello dear @fab-tay 🙋

Yes, when we suffer from phobias they usually alter our senses and emotions significantly. The good thing is to identify them make the adjustments that are in our power to be able to reduce them. All in all, we can be happy.😁

Have you been able to visit our last post about the community healing account and how to support it? We invite you to visit it and consider if you want to support it in either of the two ways described. 😉

If you have trouble viewing the images, you can visit it from the INLEO front-end here. 🦁

Thank you for your love and support. Welcome to our community.🌞

Exactly 💯
Identification and adjustment is the key indeed.

Thanks for the warm reception and all explanation gotten.

In all, phobias are real and same with pet-peeves, but a good management of them is very important.

Learning to manage our phobias are like overcoming all obstacles. This aspect of management is important to our life domain

Apt 💯
Exactly ✅
That's the most important thing.

Thanks for reading and commenting.

argh! Farting when eating, a damn annoying thing, I'm so done eating, I understand your fear of death and what follows after that, hmm who knows

Exactly, so annoying

Who knows indeed?

Thanks so much for reading and commenting, I appreciate

The last part: Mental health is key to good leaving. I cannot agree more,

Exactly 💯
Thanks so much for your comments

Hello my friend!

Hope you're well!
I'm starting to follow you, and if you want, you can follow me too! !LUV

I realized that you are a relatively new user, and have knowledge in the health area. I also saw your post about feelings, and so I decided to bring you this invitation.

I would like to offer you the opportunity to join the FreeCompliments community, the most welcoming community on Hive. There is certainly a place for your posts! We also have a manual curation program and a rewards program for use of threads, anyway... many things!

We have a team of people who seek to offer support to other people who are in situations of mental suffering, who knows, maybe even you can help us with this goal.

The community has some jobs that are paid, as well as competitions that are awarded.

Find us through the links on your current frontend:

InLeo | Ecency | Peakd


Hello friend
I'm good and you?

I have followed back aswell.

Yes, I'm a healthcare professional (Pharmacist) by training and career.

Thanks so much for this invite and I have joined the community. Will be glad to be helpful and make impart as opportunity arises. Thanks

the subject of phobias is interesting, the fear of certain things, people, animals, often becomes a problem. I also try to avoid mystery movies and everything related to this subject. Thanks for sharing your experience

We have similarities as regards this 😂

It's true that the subject of phobias is interesting as it's dynamic from one person to another.

Thanks for reading and commenting

That's a very wise course of actions