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RE: El estrés un enemigo silencioso - Stress, a silent enemy

We really need to listen to ourselves. That's very important. We mostly don't, as you said we are living in a fast paced era. We are pressing our phones or watching the TV or doing work, or stressing/worrying over some issue but we mostly don't relax and take a good and long look at what our inner self is telling us. Sometimes we have the solution to our issues, but we worry or try to do things that will make us not think about the issue instead of really calming down and reason out a solution. Lovely article @pablo1601


Totally agree with your words @funmiblog !

We must slow down the pace with which we live every day and start to enjoy much more the simple things, enjoy the affections.

It is true that many times things happen that make us bad, that wear us out, but also wonderful things happen that many times we do not end up appreciating.

Our attitude will undoubtedly make the difference when deciding the direction we want to give to our life and the way we want to live it.

Thank you very much for your valuable contribution.
