Everyone just came to understand, no one came to understand.

in Emotions & Feelings3 months ago


Hello everyone. How are you all? Hope you are well. I have come to share with you some of the accumulated words. Some things have been on my mind for several days. I don't know if my words will agree with anyone. Sometimes I think the words are quite strange. Sometimes it seems that there may be a reason to hold down the pain in oneself. But I understand that people are very arrogant and girls especially suffer more if they are a little too arrogant. There are some pains that cannot be expressed but can only be felt. On the way of life, you meet some people, the closer you see people, the more you are moving away. I don't see the mentality among people anymore who are busy with their time and interests.


Where the future itself does not know what its future is. It's not funny at all to me. Because today it is wrong to move without thinking about the future. Because if you don't think about what to eat tomorrow then you are nothing but a fool. There are some people who like to spend idle time. Comfort dear people can say in one word, you can't explain to those people what your future is. In fact, their future is good and people who can't stand up for their happiness are fools. Many of us do stupid things thinking about the good of people, but have you ever seen the words of a good person hidden in that stupidity, that is you are a good-hearted person?


People are busy with their own interests. He is pursuing his own interests as best he can. Brothers, sisters, mothers, and fathers have no value to anyone. Can you tell me the reason? It seems to me that there are so many interests in people because of this, the suffering of the person in front of you is not bothering you. It seems to you that that person has never done anything for you. All the times that I have done for people, I have always lost myself. Now I don't want to mix with anyone. Why so much change in people? Sometimes it seems that the smarter we get, the more we move away from people.


Not everyone wins the battle of life. To survive in life, you have to give up many things, the illusion of many things, even the illusion of your own people. The love of your people can't be forgotten even in your whole life, as long as you live, you will be reminded again and again, as many times as you will suffer, tears will fall from your eyes, but no one will come in your life to wipe those tears. Everyone will see from a distance and ask what is the benefit of suffering from your pain. You see, people here also calculate the profit and loss. I am actually sharing my inner feelings with you. For quite some time I have been thinking about these things and why people change so much.

Not everyone wins the battle of life. To survive in life, you have to give up many things, the illusion of many things, even the illusion of your own people. The love of your people can't be forgotten even in your whole life, as long as you live, you will be reminded again and again, as many times as you will suffer, tears will fall from your eyes, but no one will come in your life to wipe those tears. Everyone will see from a distance and ask what is the benefit of suffering from your pain. You see, people here also calculate the profit and loss. I am actually sharing my inner feelings with you. For quite some time I have been thinking about these things and why people change so much.

Not everyone wins the battle of life. To survive in life, you have to give up many things, the illusion of many things, even the illusion of your own people. The love of your people can't be forgotten even in your whole life, as long as you live, you will be reminded again and again, as many times as you will suffer, tears will fall from your eyes, but no one will come in your life to wipe those tears. Everyone will see from a distance and ask what is the benefit of suffering from your pain. You see, people here also calculate the profit and loss. I am actually sharing my inner feelings with you. For quite some time I have been thinking about these things and why people change so much.


Hello dear @nimni 😘

At some point we have had in our heads some of the phrases you have mentioned. It seems to be part of our life as human beings. Some will be found the answers, some we don't know, can we draw any lesson? That would be great.🌟

Sometimes the most important step we can take is just the next one, and forward.🌸

Love ❤️

it is true that we see the mistakes of others but do not know what to do ourselves 😂