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RE: Our ’attract-users-to-Hive' problem - halfway solved

in Hive Improvement4 years ago
  1. Key management - This is actually what i'm trying trying to focus on to help users. I think it's never gonna be as easy as passwords on other sites... but I think there are a few things can do to make it seem easier and quickly educate. We'll be adding a couple small things soon.

  2. INCENTIVE - Let me push back on this a bit. Why does a new user that doesn't get anyone to VIEW their content deserve any reward? I understand where you're coming from and perhaps it would be nice for them to get the dopamine of a reward for posting. However a creator's job is also to MARKET and bring people to their content not simply to make content and expect others to bring people to their content.
    In fact why is it that we have very very few users on Hive that market their content and actively work to bring people to their content? Is the culture of the system a little off track perhaps? Granted there are a few people that actively work to get people to see their content by linking to places outside of hive... but it's the exception not the norm.

Maybe the reward should be for rewarding them for actions that benefit themselves. If you repost your content somewhere else we'll tip you (or vote you) if you share it on twitter or fb or reddit and you get 10 outside views we'll reward you... those are the types of actions I'd like to support and help reinforce. Because they're much healthier than simply creating content that no one will see because no one has done any actions to make them seen.

Somehow we need more influential creators here... by influence I mean a person who creates content that people are eager to read and even comment on. They don't just have people that click the follow button... but they have active readers that they can dependably expect to read and interact with. Those are the type of people that are successful elsewhere.

I'll be shorter on my cross-post discussion for now. But i will say the hope for cross-posts was to bring conversation about a post to another community. It wasn't meant for votes it was meant for discussion and improving the experience of the community... not the experience of the creator of the post. The community.

I see it often on reddit in the baseball communities i'm in. Let's say a post is shared in the r/baseball community perhaps a big new rule change. There's a ton of discussion there... but the r/padres (team) community is active with tens of thousands of active users... We want to have a discussion about that same post as well and our conversation will be about how it applies to our community theme which is r/padres. One post two different conversations.

Sometimes it's as simple as hey did you see this post from r/baseball this information is a benefit to us over here in our community.

Really has not much to do with rewards. Though peakd did allow rewards for a while because it helped in the sorting that happens with the algorithms known as trending and hot. But decided that it wasn't worth the abuse just for the small benefits of sorting.... because they weren't really being sorted by those algorithms very well anyway.


Thank you @jarvie for your inputs. And thank you very much for your tip - it's the first I've got 🙂

  1. Keys: Nice to read... I'm sure that will be a help for new users in general. Many already have problems with one decent password ;)
  2. Incentive: Yes, in fact I consider it to be a dopamine. Just to keep many new users active a longer time and to support their learning curve more in an idealistic way. Of course they have to market their posts - and if they are successful no pool upvote is necessary. All users with a professional attitude know that before but maybe the challenge is in both ways. The authors have to bring their post to the market and the platform has to provide a market and fulfil expectations. Would be interesting to know how many users Hive left after just a couple posts - so if maybe 10% of them would be still here and discovered that it can be worth and fun to be here. Then they would tell their friends on other social platforms to join too and so they would built their own market/community on Hive. Of course, your thoughts are completely right but it implies a really sophisticated thinking from users who just drop by, think it could be fun and already took the hassle to understand the basic concept.
  3. Cross-posts: It's for bringing content to other communities, you are right. Communities might overlap and are building subsets of each other. So if a post - even if it is written a longer time before - reaches a different community, me as a member of the community would expect to be treat that post like a new post. I don't want to consider it as an advertisement to join another specific community where this cross-post was posted first or to follow the author with the need to look through all his posts just to upvote the relevant one before it might be shared with my community later. Usually, I guess, it will be not a second upvote a post would get, it's the first upvote from different user. If I would consider doing a cross-post I want to contribute to a community, I don't want to convince the group members to join the community where the post was published first or to follow me. Both would be nice but at first I want to contribute to a specific community without any strategic thinking. And as a potential curator of a cross-post I would expect to get a share of the reward for reading and curating. If a cross-post signals at first 'spend your time reading another post because even if you like it, the Hive-inherent upvoting/reward system don't work here' it's somehow a break in the users experience and that's not optimal in my eyes. Even if tips work here. I still think communities have the potential to attract users much faster and more sustainable - like on reddit but with a potential payout and without the horrible censorship they play out to suppress any opinion even a single so called moderator doesn't like. Well, sorting... I can't say anything with regard to the challenges of the trending- and hot-algorithms on Hive. I've never used this ranking lists to select a post to read so far :/