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RE: Everyone Can Help Out With This. "Reference Lists"

in Hive Improvement3 years ago (edited)

This is so important I think - and we need a web page or somewhere obvious to store it!

As a constructive criticism I personally think the amount links already are quite a lot, so many in fact it's off putting!

An evolution might be to have a 'recommended' section with just one or two links, max of three with easy to understand posts, then a 'find out more/ depth section' with more complex 'quality/ pure factual' stuff then an all-in 'everything' section - which is more opinion pieces.

Of course ideally we'd have a functional database of all of this that's searchable!

I guess that's where Hive101 is heading?!

Sort: could incorporate this, I don't see why not, but we can't allow for something like this to be reliant on just one site., right now is set up so as to add links/backlinks to all the Hive related projects, apps, sites and communities. An "SEO tool" as I often like to call sites along those lines. Yet at the same time, utilizing WordPress which is so common on the net, that anyone online can use it in a way that they are familiar with.

Hive resources, should be available anywhere applicable, but you do make a great point about a dbase. Maybe the communities feature on Hive can be utilized efficiently for this and then anyone can hook it up to their site.

Man, you got me thinking about what all people in the community can put together in resource lists and how all they can be utilized.