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RE: ShowCase Sunday: If you’re going to Comment, Up-Vote me Dammit!

in Showcase Sunday4 years ago

I remember seeing comments from authors "Nice enough to comment but not vote?", most of the times it was directed toward the Nice Post type comments. I was one of those, still am, that like to comment, some days a lot, so in the early days I would run out of vote power, I always felt bad when I could not leave a vote on a post I commented on, but then I slowly got over it. Then I found and learned how to use the vote slider on steemworld, and it was never an issue for me again.


It's an old post and not so relevant now. I was more laughing at my arrogance, and being a relative newbie!

Mostly all I could think about while reading your psot was meesterboom's nice post and comment gif's, I tried to post it in my reply, but gave up after trying for about half an hour to get it to load.