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RE: ShowCase Sunday: If you’re going to Comment, Up-Vote me Dammit!

in Showcase Sunday4 years ago

So. Back in the days before sliders when Steem was worth some real money, I left the first 'community' that I found because they insisted that if you comment you vote. So I left, never to return.

I read every single post I comment on. End to end. When I had under 500 Steem I had 10 or maybe 15 votes per day. I was desperately trying to make a name for myself and I read and commented on at least 30 posts per day. Often more.

But. Today everybody has a slider. I agree with you, there is no reason not to vote. None.

Times do change. I'm glad you hung around long enough to dust up a post from the Jurassic.


You do have a point @bigtom13, 99% of the population were under 500 STEEM and unless you were one of these 'really weird people who used busy' then you had no slider.

I had invested even at 3 months in and did had maybe 1800 STEEM by then.

It still wound me up at the time heh...