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RE: My lovely octopus |Bodypainting

in MakeUp Power3 years ago

Thank you so much Vincent! I love bold colours when it comes to bodypainting, as vivid as I can get them, the better.
A huge aquarium.... Oh I dream about this for a long time. I would love to have one aquarium built into the wall, lovely illuminated, so when I would come home at night, I could just sit, with the lights off, and watch all of my little marine pets swim.
I must persevere with art. Selling the original drawing proved to be difficult. I think that I will slowly add nft and build an online presence with this. I will not give up.
You are always so good with encouraging me to dream, I always liked this about you Vincent🤗


That aquarium vision of you sounds like heaven and very ZEN. Keep dreaming it will manifest itself, one day. The same goes for your art success. It's only a matter of time, you are very skilled and your work is unique, powerful and beautiful.

You will make it some day, sooner rather than later.

Big hug!✨

Oh you have no idea how much it means to me to hear this from you, making a living from art is a challenge. I am a dreamer by nature and many find it childish and imature. But look at you, you get it and encourage it. That is so nice and I thank you. You've been a lovely person since the first day I have been here. Thank you Vincent, I will not stop dreaming. And neither should you. 🤗🌟🌟

Thank you and don't worry, I won't stop dreaming and I will make my dreams reality ;<)