LOLZ Meme Challenge - #2

in MemeHive2 years ago

Make A Meme and Earn LOLZ and MEME

Hey everyone! Welcome to week 2 of our weekly LOLZ Meme Challenge where you can earn LOLZ and MEME tokens when you create a fun meme based on the topic of our choice.

Each week we will pick a different topic for you to meme about. Feel free to create your meme using any tools and images you want (we like ImgFlip).

Last week we only had 3 entries so it was easy crypto! I hope we have many more entries for this weeks challenge.

This Week's Meme Topic

For today's meme challenge, we are picking what we hope is a #fun topic. Create a meme about @rentmoney's giveaways. If you don't know him, check him out. You will be glad you did. He is a big #meme fan who enjoys a good #LOLZ now and then, but he also has some of the best giveaways on Hive.

How Winners Will be Chosen

We will select three winners based totally on our preferences. Some of the things we will be looking for include:

  • On topic
  • Funniness
  • Creativity
  • Quality
  • Effort


To be included in the contest you need to follow these simple rules:

  1. Create a post with your meme entry and post it in the MemeHive community.
  2. Title of your post should start with "LOLZ Meme Challenge #2:"
  3. Your post must contain a link to this post to help others find it and participate.
  4. Drop a comment here with a link to your entry.
  5. One entry per user.
  6. Deadline is July 11 @ midnight Eastern time.

The Prize

1st. 50 LOLZ and 1000 MEME
2nd. 25 LOLZ and 500 MEME
3rd. 10 LOLZ and 200 MEME

Our example

We love to make meme's too, so we can't resist but to make one too. Don't worry... we aren't in the contest, just want to get your creative juices flowing.


Ok, that isn't great... but it is true!

We have faith that you can do much better.

Last Week's Winners

Last week the topic was Hive.

It was easy with only 3 entries. But that also means everyone wins something!

Fist Place - 50 LOLZ and 1000 MEME


Second Place - 25 LOLZ and 500 MEME


Third Place - 10 LOLZ and 200 MEME




About the LOLZ Project

LOLZ Project is an engagement project with the mission of spreading laughter and joy on the Hive blockchain. Hive users can use the !LOL or !LOLZ command in comments to share a clean joke and tip the author an $LOLZ token.

Help Support the LOLZ Project

Here are some easy ways you can help support the LOLZ Project -

  • Use the !LOL and !LOLZ command often to tip fellow Hive authors.
  • Upvote and re-Hive our posts. All rewards will be used to help cover server costs and increase curation value.
  • Delegate Hive tokens and earn LOLZ Farming rewards.
  • Follow @lolztoken and participate in our airdrops, contests, and giveaways.



Thanks for the second place and the very motivating reward 🤡
!gif !LOLZ !MEME
My entry for this week:

Credit: sinistry
Earn Crypto for your Memes @!

What can you serve but not eat?
Divorce papers.

Credit: reddit
@lolztoken, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @serhotest
Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.

I'm a master comedian myself, so behold my Meme!


Excellent! Nice entry. Good luck! !gif !LOLZ !MEME

Mommy always said that I'm funny!!!!!


What is black and white and red all over?
A penguin with a sunburn.

Credit: captaincryptic
@lolztoken, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @luizeba
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ

Credit: arthursiq5
Earn Crypto for your Memes @!

What code did the Vikings use for telegraphs?
Norse Code.

Credit: reddit
@luizeba, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @lolztoken
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ

Thank you for the reward @lolztoken! 🥰 I am hopeful !meme and !lolz gains more community and great token value! ❤️

Here's my entry for the LOLZ Meme challenge #2! Enjoy! 🤣🤣🤣

Posted using MemeHive

Credit: memess
Earn Crypto for your Memes @!

Hello this is my entry hope you gona do more of this

Oops.. forgot !gif !LOLZ !MEME

What’s a squirrel’s favorite kind of joke?
Acorny one.

Credit: reddit
@memess, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @lolztoken
Did you know that $LOLZ is a Dividend Token too? Find out more at LOLZ Defi.

That's a good one!

Thank you! @lolztoken good luck to everyone!

How can you tell if your smartphone is good at playing music?
By the number of gigs it has.

Credit: reddit
@lolztoken, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @theabsolute
Rumor has it The LOLZ Project runs on !PIZZA

Holy crap, I just realized I did the same thing as @metzli

I'll try to think of something fresh and post that before the deadline

Great minds think alike.

When is a door not a door?
When it's a jar

Credit: reddit
@lolztoken, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @theabsolute
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ

That is great! We !LUV it. !gif !LOLZ !MEME

Which side of the chicken has more feathers?
The outside.

Credit: reddit
@crazyphantombr, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @lolztoken
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@lolzbot(1/5) tipped @theabsolute (x1)
serhotest tipped lolztoken (x1)

Join us in Discord!

Thanks for the contest, here is a link to my entry.