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RE: Tales of the Urban Explorer: The Tin House

in Urban Exploration3 years ago

This was a charmer! The stove was a pretty cool find and everything was intact. Don't give away that location, I have seen some of the places you have gone where they strip it clean.

Probably biker boots, my first guess was military boots. Oh, yes. Add that to his repertoire, as if he doesn't have enough. I have sheets and sheets of flute and piano music which I used to play and no longer have time and the movers broke my piano. I never replaced it. Long story. Anyway, the music doesn't surprise me as much as how people just up and leave these houses just like that celebratory moment for born-again Christians, the Rapture. Ah, the spiritual dream. Who wasn't tortured by that dream? Yikes.Blankets hanging off the bed, tea cup coffee cup still there. By the way, I have that cup of the queen, even bought it in England or more to the fact, my mother did and now it is mine. Or looks like it. The Magic Roundabout. Hehe... How many kids were fed drug-induced fun and the parents paid good money for it. :)

I loved this one.


I have kept this off Facebook and Twitter, and will be doing the same with a few more upcoming time-capsule's I did last year. I don't want them destroyed by idiots, so the less know.. the better.

It feels strange walking into these places, I tell ya. A very unique feeling.

FAcebook people may be able to identify a few things, so I don't blame you. I look forward to the up-and-coming. That is probably my worst fear, to destroy something that has been in place over 40 years without displacement and someone comes in there with the gall to pocket the pieces of history without nary a thought.

I am glad that you can go in and leave it, just as it were.

Oh, I am sure it is like walking into an apocalyptic scene. Yikes.