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RE: Tales of the Urban Explorer: The Vampire Coven

This really felt like it came from a horror film
The photos were absolutely amazing, I loved the brightness in the colors and how the abandonment popped up by the old, ruined objects
I find it strange that the butter remained intact as you said, but maybe there are people staying in the house currently?
Thank you for this experience! I would love to know what kind of camera you use, if you dont mind me asking!


I had to google this.. same for butter.

Because of the high content of saturated fat, it is unlikely that margarine will grow mold.

It looked fresh but I wouldn't place it on my toast!

I don't use a camera, just a battered iPhone 7 that keeps telling me to service the battery.

This made me wonder if bugs dare to visit butter .. Maybe I should make this as an experiment :)

Reg the photos, I admire the iPhone photographs a lot - I have been using an iPhone 8 for sometime now and I think that I take the best photos I ever could - and consider this as a training before I get myself a camera :)

I don't have a DLR as many explores involve climbing. A camera swinging from my neck would get in the way. I have a lot of success with this old relic, and don't feel the need to change it yet.