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RE: Tales of the Urban Explorer: The Lost Cabin in the Woods

That hard drive thing has me curious. Not sure if it's a SCSI port on it, but those flat pins are odd.

I have seen these in the past, but am unsure what it is. My memory needs a jog. @bozz might know.

and this place must have had mains electricity.

I am not so sure. The cooking device was what campers use, fuelled by butane gas.


I was thinking it might be something to do with a printer because that really looks like one of the old style printer ports. I did some Googling and I found this.

Looks like it was a part for his Range Rover which makes a ton of sense now give the other stuff in the place.

Bloody hell, jackpot! .. and I thought it was a flat-bed scanner that was bolted down.

My Google-Fu is pretty legit. :)

My first thought was that it was an ECM but then I wondered if they were around back then? More importantly, why has it got my initials on it? PRC

I guess the TV could have been run from a battery. My parents had a B&W portable that could run off a car battery. I don't see any sockets. What lights were there?

I did not notice any light switches. Should be more diligent.