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RE: Tales of the Urban Explorer: The Lost Cabin in the Woods

in Urban Exploration3 years ago

That hard drive thing has me curious. Not sure if it's a SCSI port on it, but those flat pins are odd.

Does seem like someone's little hideaway. The UK is not like the US where you can have a cabin miles from anywhere. There's generally going to be neighbours fairly near and this place must have had mains electricity. Just seems his 'porn' was of the Land Rover kind. What a guy does in his shed is his own concern.


That hard drive thing has me curious. Not sure if it's a SCSI port on it, but those flat pins are odd.

I have seen these in the past, but am unsure what it is. My memory needs a jog. @bozz might know.

and this place must have had mains electricity.

I am not so sure. The cooking device was what campers use, fuelled by butane gas.

I was thinking it might be something to do with a printer because that really looks like one of the old style printer ports. I did some Googling and I found this.

Looks like it was a part for his Range Rover which makes a ton of sense now give the other stuff in the place.

Bloody hell, jackpot! .. and I thought it was a flat-bed scanner that was bolted down.

My Google-Fu is pretty legit. :)

My first thought was that it was an ECM but then I wondered if they were around back then? More importantly, why has it got my initials on it? PRC

I guess the TV could have been run from a battery. My parents had a B&W portable that could run off a car battery. I don't see any sockets. What lights were there?

I did not notice any light switches. Should be more diligent.