Tales of the Urban Explorer: Lamont's Garage

in Urban Exploration2 years ago (edited)

-= WARNING: Adult Content Below, place the Nippers in bed before scrolling down =-

”Honestly man, I think we are too late for this one”

I didn't know it, but the feeling was there. We had fucked around for too long, procrastinated, and not visited. Leeds was too bloody far away for just one, and that was the reason.


Lamont’s Garage’ was not the prime target. It was the adjoining house, a time capsule of the finest sort and undisturbed until the TourBus got wind.

Now it had gone quiet. No reports, no photographs, and that could only mean one thing. In any case, we would be paying 'Lamont's Garage' a visit even if it was sealed, occupied, or empty.


It had looked so strange from what I could see via the photographs, like a terraced house but with no interfering Karen's. How did that work?

On arrival, it came very clear to me how one could get inside this 'terraced house' without being noticed. It was far from that, and actually a detached property on its own grounds.

After a quick look around, we climbed the adjoining wall and used the handily placed ladder far side to ease into the grounds of ‘Lamont’s Garage’. It was that easy.


I could see the front door of the house was ajar. The pioneer discoverers had told me it was a precarious climb to get inside.

Surely not that open window on the upper left? I could see scaling the garage, shuffling across via the green drainpipe could be a way, a way too much for me thanks!

We decided to check out the garage area first. I am guessing 'Lamont's Garage' was an independent business that fell on hard times. Having your house next to it has its benefits.


Does that say 'Escort Agency'? Should it be taken literally, or is it a reference to the old Ford Escort?


Lots of shit flung everywhere as far as I could see.


I am not a fan of art but am guessing this is far from an original Puccini.



This was the upper area of the garage. Did they have offices? it looked more like a DIY staging area.


A selection of 'quality' CDs, many still in their shrink-wrap. So bad they didn't want to play them?


I would likely take the CDs after seeing this selection of pure shit. Tony Bennett was the shite that my late father listened to, and 'Billy Don't be a Hero', don't get me started…


It was a little wet in the lower garage area; I could see technical manuals strewn around the floor.


Everything you need to know about timing belts.


… and a pile of those service manuals you generally find in Halfords’ stores.


@lpff couldn’t wait to go inside the house. We followed.


The bad vibes came true in seconds. This was no longer a Time capsule, just an empty shell in poor condition.


Little had been left behind in the kitchen whose décor was from another century.


Memories of some holiday probably in Southern Europe.


I needed a double take of the After Eights box. Was it metal and rusting? I haven’t seen that style in some time, still cardboard and very old. Tasty perhaps?


Look at that carpet, straight out of the seventies when everything was brown and brown was fashionable.


These rooms, recently crammed will stuff were now empty. Some of it had been piled outside and placed in purple bags.


A few things remained; they both looked in decent condition, the tape player especially.


I remember the ‘Fremont’ from Las Vegas.


Some light reading if you want to settle down on the extra hard floor to take a break.


Planks are generally placed there for a reason. Underneath, it could have been a large drop. I was tetchy about walking across it.


It will take more than a little Flash to clean this place up.



What a disappointment the house was, there was still the other part of the garage that someone had ripped open with their bare hands. That was next…


It is a garage, without scenes like this, it wouldn't be genuine. I thoughts the walls might be covered with them.



Now, this was a little more interesting. Whoever cleared out the house, forgot about the garage office section.


It’s quite typical, a board completely covered with reminder notes, some of them covered behind newer reminder notes.


A cheque from 2014 and more of those ‘Halford’s’ service manuals.


'Motor Fleet Insurance' – is this for courtesy cars I wonder? I didn't know dodgy garages such as this supply those to their customers.


Parts are expensive, labour even more so. This a reason I loathe taking my car in for servicing or any kind of work.


I should have rummaged a little more, but we had a huge schedule that day. It was to prove very successful.


I suspect the purple bags contained items from the house. I wasn’t going to go into them and empty them out.

Especially when a slightly opened one revealed horrors such as these. Kershaw's extra cheap meals for one at 99p, Buy 5 and they are even cheaper!


...such nourishment can be gained by eating crap like this...

Lamont’s Garage’ was somewhat a disappointment. I had that nagging feeling something had happened, and once again we were too late for the prize bounty.


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some nice finds in there ( ahem cough cough!)

I am not a fan of art but am guessing this is far from an original Puccini.

Philistine ! it is not a piece of artwork, it is an opera. 😂🤣😂

Philistine ! it is not a piece of artwork, it is an opera.

Agreed, I know shit about such things. You can keep your Ooooooh's and Ahhhhhh's, Tenors and Sopranos, it's not my thing 😃


Lol I laughed at that as well, but to each their own, right?

👍 he can't help it he is Northern.

Old porn!! Hooray

You know.., I did think of you when adding that image 😃

Lol. My dad used to listen to Tony Bennett too.

I haven't seen a nudie book in years, oh the memories!! 😀😀

Lol. My dad used to listen to Tony Bennett too.

Urghh.., no.., I hope you were spared Johnny Mathis. Some of them are unbearable.

I haven't seen a nudie book in years, oh the memories!!

Yeah, they are quite rare now. I see them infrequently.

I was spared Johnny. There were other nightmare ones though. That bloody radion was always blasting them out

What percentage of your explores turn up some porn? I seem to have seen a bit in your posts.

Looks like another small business shut down, or did the owner retire? These one-man shops can be good for getting your car fixed as they rely on customer loyalty. We have one we've used a lot.

Happy new year!

What percentage of your explores turn up some porn? I seem to have seen a bit in your posts.

A very small percentage. I tend to highlight it when found, and it's generally in time capsules. I have a few of those coming soon.

Looks like another small business shut down, or did the owner retire?

I am not sure. I didn't want to give away the location for this, and revealing history leaves more clues so didn't dig.

Happy New Year back!

Some place. I remember we had a tape player just like the one in the pic. I remember having it in the very late 70s and on into the 80s ! Nice explore.

Well it seems like it might have been a car workshop with someone that had a fancy at some pleasures at the workshop

These garage dudes need their thrills, I worked in one briefly when young. The back wall areas were plastered with porn. It was 'OK' then to do this.. heh..

Do you wear a ventilator or take any sort of special precaution when exploring to protect your lungs?

This is soooooooo cool, I always love your posts. The images are great, but the commentary is what brings them all together to make us feel as if we're there too :) !LUV

I wouldn't have walked over the boards either, I'm cautious if you can't tell from the first part of my comment haha! I was just so relieved that you didn't do it! Then a throwback in the last part of the garage to remind us why living is important !LOLZ

Thanks for sharing another adventure with us :D

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Do you wear a ventilator or take any sort of special precaution when exploring to protect your lungs?

No, and in the long run it won't do me a lot of good.

I wouldn't have walked over the boards either, I'm cautious if you can't tell from the first part of my comment haha! I was just so relieved that you didn't do it!

Oh I did walk over the board, just was cautious. This was before I fell through a floor, and now I am ever more cautious.

Hey, life is short anyhow 🤷‍♀! I try not to live too deeply in being cautious... yet, I must admire your bravery!

Thanks for the response, what you do is crazy interesting! Also, I'm glad to hear that (from what it sounds like) you healed up from your fall OK. Phew, what a life!

What I imagine you doing to get into some places:

Also, I'm glad to hear that (from what it sounds like) you healed up from your fall OK.

I'm still healing, that was last October and shook me up a little. It was one strange day.. that.

That one looked somewhat interesting. It might have been picked over but there was still a lot of stuff to look at. Newly packaged CDs lol 😆

Newly packaged CDs

So much shit people buy and then can't be arsed to open them.., sheesh...

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This is my kinda vibe

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It's a bit odd, the gates look almost new, and yet the garage and house are easy to access.

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Wow! Looks like you travelled back in time in this garage.
The question is, what happened to this garage?
It seems like they left in a hurry.

This was good to see so early on in the New Year, I always have Hope when the calendar page flips to a new set of numbers but this keeps me grounded...it says, as so often these forays into the sort of Time Travel does : Time Is Fleeting, the only contstent in Life is Change, and hold dear what you can and want but it might just be the detritus and trash of some long distant tomorrow.

Another amazing foray in the littered remains of someone's past, well done @slobberchops I wonder if any of these places will ever be taken up and redone or simply torn down in some future moment?

Wow, that was definitely some adult content. Good thing I was in bed before I looked at this. The music was pretty on fire though. I like Tony Bennet. His recent album with Lady GaGa is petty darn good.