Tales of the Urban Explorer: The Central Hotel

We gazed upon the ‘The Central Hotel’ and both thought, “how do we get in there?”

Instead, we entered Just Gents Stylists which happens to be next door. You can see it on the far right side of the image (below).


This is kind of a continuation from that 'oh-so-fun explore' that could well have housed a murdered dead corpse for all we know. If you want to read more, then click the link above.

The Central Hotel opened 20th March 1939. The hotel had a full pub licence and sold real ale from the bar at various times in the 1980s and 1990s. It ceased trading on 4th March 2013 and was for sale but has since been damaged by fire on 25th February 2016.


Opening just before the Second World War was unfortunate timing, and I am guessing business was bad for a good few years.


I could find just a solitary image from the past, dated around 1965. The surrounding geography appears to have changed significantly, in particular, that large monument just left of the hotel has gone.

'The Central Hotel' loomed and I was expecting elaborate wood carvings, rotting beds completely decked with naked skeletons, and on closer inspection, skulls with eye sockets filled by hungry colourful maggots feasting on the dead.

“Mate…, this is fucking shit, there’s not even any plasterboard attached to the walls?”



Talk about a downer, this was making 'Just Gents Stylists' look good. Speaking from a safety perspective, 'The Central Hotel’ was not going to collapse if we took one step too far in a certain direction.

This was one solid building, despite being torched several years beforehand. Everything seemed to have been taken, including basic décor, and there was no evidence of renovation work.


We walked the corridors taking note of the 'words of wisdom' once again and wondered if we could attain some state of enlightenment simply by reading the words and humming a mantra.

The messages were a little different but the writer still can’t spell for shit.


I was not thinking about 'using the lift as a means to escape', in fact, the door would not open, it was jammed.


'Hitler was a power… what?'. I am unsure if the writer is an Aryan supporter or otherwise. He seems to have crossed out the 'White Power' part.


We descended hoping for at least a bar that perhaps the undead would be happy to drink at.


Sadly it was exactly the same, with little left besides gloomy empty spaces such as this one, which are admittedly quite photogenic.


Moving with care past the hole in the floor, the next room looked similar but showed more marks of the arson attack. The ground floor window was missing giving us perhaps an alternative exit.


The filing cabinets were empty, or rusted closed. Someone had left their hoodie.


Why not get your shopping, have a bite to eat while taking a smoke followed by some hard drugs preferably in the order? That is what the picture tells me.


A little more digging and I might find an entire set of gear that belongs to 'Mr. Smackhead'. Maybe he shoots up naked?


You need to look hard at this to see the once grandeur it portrayed. Having bare walls doesn’t help things.


The 'Private' room looked to be teeming with priceless artifacts from the Great War such as used Pringles boxes. Sadly it was locked.


Finding the back door wide open, we took a breather from the wild excitement of inside to grab a few rear externals. Now that sounds a little perverse.


If it looks dilapidated from the front, the back is much worse, with a host of trees and bushes competing for wall space.


Surely there was more to ‘The Central Hotel’ than this? I headed back inside to find more gloom and vowed to look a little harder.


We found a cellar area and descended. These used to be wine racks, and though I am unfamiliar with the individual brands, ‘Claret’ is in my vocabulary.


Some terrible CDs, containing equally terrible Christmas Music to annoy all the guests; there was more junk down in the depths of this basement than anywhere else.


Knowing 'The Central Hotel' closed in 2013 explains the pricing structure. Two courses for £7.50 is particularly cheap, especially seeing the offers when I opened up the menu.


‘Roast Beef with Yorkshire Pudding’; how many of my overseas readers know what ‘Yorkshire Pudding’ is?


The rest of the cellar was typically grim and if Urban Exploring wasn’t so popular, a wonderful location to hold someone for ransom. I guess modern kidnappers have all figured out that we countless explorers foil their dastardly plans in these times.


The arson seems to have made it into the depths. I spotted burn marks throughout the area.



To climb up there, you needed to delicately move the protruding pipes out of the way.


One day I will ask a smackhead why the most depressing part of a building is where they choose to sleep and shoot up. I would prefer it to be on an upper floor with at least some natural light to bask in, with added warm sunlight.


We ascended using a different set of steps and headed out via the back entrance.


It looks well sealed up but images can be misleading. Walking toward the front of the building we noticed a couple of cops prancing around the entrance to ‘Just Gents Stylists’.

We should have walked away but stopped and curiously looked on. They turned and spotted us, gloves on, huge light in hands, filthy shoes but appeared to be of the rare species of cops who don’t notice anything.


Ignoring us, they continued fiddling with the broken door of ‘Just Gents Stylists’ hoping a couple of smackheads might emerge, semi-conscious and with needles sticking out of their arms.

Are all cops in Birkenhead, dumbasses?


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It's true, it looks like a pretty solid place and this time it doesn't look like you could have ended up falling from a burnt-out second floor! :)... Also, it doesn't look like they had one of those giant photocopiers you always find ha ha ha!... You should've bring you the Sinatra CD at Christmas, it's a classic, my father had it on LP, it can torment a deaf man!... Hell, when I read "Yorkshire pudding" I swear I imagined one of those little terrier dogs baked! I had to go to Google and find out that it is a very English type of oble!... ha ha ha! Thanks God, no terriers!... Excellent article as always @slobberchops friend, with an exquisite sample of "chaotic photography" (I like a lot) And now one "less place" to that hijackers use!... What a crazy idea!... :))

!discovery 35

I have an adversity to Christmas songs and often see these in pubs and old clubs. Yorkshire Pudding is a northern Sunday lunch accompaniment, and very popular.

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Yorkshire pudding, these out of towers do not know what they are missing!

On the outside it seems really decent but on the inside it’s a bit of a mess

It's often the case. Dampness is mostly to blame, you can't not heat a building here and expect it to remain intact.

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It is build no old yes? Condition nice for redoing.

It's not beyond a renovation, but there's a few holes there and there. Removing the plasterboard does seem like a pre-cursor for renovation, but that's all.., no further signs of anything.

You made sense of that? Genius!

Yorkshire pudding reminds me of what Americans call a popover. Simple, basic ingredients which was usually a 1st-course thing. Surely if you have been to the UK, you have had it.

I wonder what they did with that monument that was sitting out in the middle of the road? Or in close proximity to that. I just took points off for removing it.

Looks like the druggies found a haven that nobody else wants. I don't think I found anything redeeming in there. How sad. Like you said, it was bad luck opening up right before Wold War ll. It didn't even have a chance with that one!

What is that other building or entrance that you went in? Is that part of the hotel or something that took a small space from it? Was there only one book with the music? I would have wanted to go in there, it looked like it had potential, but feel short of it.

Hello? Why didn't you go shake the hands of the police?? LOL

The cops totally ignored us, talk about dumb! They can't go inside for insurance and safety reasons, so if we were in there, they would have to wait us out. Of course, they had no idea you could cross over on the top floor 😀

Haha! Omg... that may have been hilarious to watch. :))

Great post again man!
Nice one!
And that is damn cheap for 2courses! Ah the days.. now it’s 27.50 for 1 😂 maybe 2 in a cheap place.

Ah the days.. now it’s 27.50 for 1

LOL, I know all about that.., cheap eats are restricted to Hungry Horse outlets now with Tesco vouchers added.

Hahaha I’d love to see what came out that kitchen for £7.50 😂
“Ghost chef cooks Phantom Fish and Poltergeist Poulty” lol

I think it is the stairs shots that get me. The perspective and angle down or up are pretty immersive and you almost feel the motion of pausing for a sec to take a pic, consider the safety, igniting courage and heading on to the next floor.

I bet a basement is more like an opium den minus the comfy cushions which are apparently better used as fire fuel?

Basements, or cellars as we call them are generally dingy and contain beer barrels as well as old sleeping bags. They are nearly always freezing cold, even in high summer which makes me think... why?

I'm surprised you didn't just jump up through that third floor window! It's too bad that the clock tower is long gone from this place. I think it added a lot of character to it in that old photo! Good to see the fire bugs aren't taking any time off for the holidays! :)

Still lots or arsonists over here. I probably walk past several when going into town, they are that plentiful.

That's horrible! You folks need to get some new hobbies over there! :)

Great adventure, as always. To be fair to the cops, though, if I turned and saw the face at the bottom of this post, I would choose what's behind door number 2, as well! XD Cheers and carry on!

it can be re-improved and reused because looking at it, it's not a ruined house but it can be retouched very beautifully. Thanks for your sharing

Looks like someone actually striped and cleared it at some point. That must have pissed of the people that like to break shit !

Looks like someone actually striped and cleared it at some point.

Yes, for renovation, except it never happened. Wish they'd have left it alone.., the character has been stripped as well.

The renovation cost of this old structural hotel will be pretty high but it is possible. The location is nice and seeing the images, I am guessing circulation and floor plans are seamless...

Someone would have done something by now if anything was going to happen. It will likely keep rotting away.. and waiting for yet more explorers to visit.

Hahaha, they should give it to me for free :D :D

The building still look like 20 yrs old building 🏫. From 1939 is yrs to be counted. I wish the building still put for modern work.

I wish the building still put for modern work.

It's not looking likely, nothing has been done for years.

It is clear that the Central Hotel is very old. Its parts look pretty good.

Yeah, it could be renovated. I didn't notice dripping water from the roof.

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Wow... it is amazing that in just 10 years that place got so destroyed.

Opening just before the Second World War was unfortunate timing, and I am guessing business was bad for a good few years.

!LOLZ Yeah, you could say that.

Cool post. I don't think I would have had the nerve to explore that place as deeply as you did.

There is a autopsy convention starts this week.
Friday is open Mike night.

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Wow... it is amazing that in just 10 years that place got so destroyed.

Some of the places I go.., like next door to this one are far worse. It's done quite well considering.

@slobberchops, You captured some intriguing shots of the remaining artifacts and remnants of its past despite its dilapidated state. The contrast between your expectations and the reality of the abandoned building is interesting to see. Abandoned places like this have fascinating history and stories to imagine. Keep exploring and sharing your adventures!

The contrast between your expectations and the reality of the abandoned building is interesting to see.

That's often the case, the outside is generally better preserved than whats inside.

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@slobberchops awesome pictures you got there..in urban exploration, if I want to post something, will it be those nooks and crannies of abandoned places?🤗or will be about things I saw going around .just exploring 😄