My Sandbox Alpha Experience 👀 我的Sandbox遊戲初體驗

in HIVE CN 中文社区2 years ago

So you might know that Sandbox had their game Alpha open to the public and revealed the result of Alpha raffle - if you own land on Sandbox and registered you had a chance. I have one. I registered and I unfortunately did not win. But I played the game to experience what the heck is metaverse.

Check it here if you want to play too: (download desktop app for Windows and login. it's a 3D game)

如果你有關注的話,應該知道最近因為Metaverse大漲的Sandbox昨晚九點開啟公開測試,同時也公布Alpha Pass的抽獎結果。大家知道,我有一塊地在這裡,才多少天時間又漲了三倍😄,真是寶地。只可惜我沒能抽到一張Pass,沒機會贏大獎。你有興趣玩/測試這3D遊戲的話,上面有連結。


The Alpha started on 1pm UTC yesterday and the server couldn't handle the traffic so I had to wait for a while to get in. Finally I got to see this screen and it was close to getting in...



Cool. I seemed to get in. But the first welcoming message was that I did not own an Alpha pass (giving you some privileges like winning some $SAND and NFTs etc). Fine fine fine. I know. You can still play/experience the game and do some missions inside. They plan to give out more Alpha passes to incentive people to finish those missions or join those promotions. People (Avatars) were falling from the sky and it looked interesting.

進來了。第一個訊息竟然是提醒我沒有Alpha Pass,暈。好啦好啦,我不是大地主啦。但聽說來玩這測試版還可以獲得抽獎機會,我反正也想體驗一把。結果,這個起點處不斷有玩家從天而降,煞是好玩。


So I tried to look around and walk around with ASDW keys and my mouse. SPACE is jump. Not difficult to control your avatar, just go with your instinct. So this is the Sandbox metaverse. Not bad. Quite a new world to me though.

我東晃西晃,沒看過使用說明就摸出來用ASDW鍵可以前後左右跑,滑鼠可以調整視角,空格鍵可以跳起來。原來這就是3D的Sandbox Metaverse啊。蠻有趣的。


I jumped and took the screenshot before an NFT Collection hall. Let's go inside!



The first sight was a Bored Ape with Laser Eyes in a distance. March closer to have a look.



WOW! It's the authentic BAYC owned by the Sandbox game!! The floor price for BAYC is like 50 ETH now (link) and this one must be much more expensive. Well, I can only enjoy by watching it. lol.



Keep exploring and there are more NFTs to see here.



There is even a 2nd floor with more NFTs... Me taking a selfie here. Am I pretty!? You are a liar. My expression looks idiotic. 😂

甚至有2樓可以去。更多NFT畫作。來自拍一下!劉美女第一次露臉,美嗎!?😉 這表情實在太蠢了~~~


I left NFT hall to explore other places but nothing interesting to do. Looking was fun though.



Finally I found the clues for 3 missions from an old man bot Lord Axi. Sorry not missions, Alpha Quest.

最後給我找到任務提示了。一個Lord Axi的老人會告訴你任務提示。反正就是地圖上找三個黃色的點。


Find three yellow points on this map and touch them. Sounds easy. Let's go do them and get my fair chance of getting Alpha Pass.

聽起來蠻簡單的,出發來去找找吧!拜託完成任務給我抽下Alpha Pass啊~~~~


I tried. But at the end I felt too dizzy to continue. Decided to give up on this one. Gee... I am now happy if other people win $SANDs and NFT gifts as long as my land can keep its price moving higher... 😬 Good luck #Sandbox Good luck Alpha players!

結局是。到處都找不到。似乎有看到卻又過不去。但最主要是...我頭暈了,沒辦法繼續。命最重要。我看我就放棄了。讓其他人去贏取SAND幣跟NFT獎勵吧~~~~ 只要我的Sandbox地皮能繼續漲就好,遊戲還是給你們玩吧~~~~😅 祝福 #Sandbox 持續建造元宇宙成功,祝福玩家們幸運獲獎囉~~~~


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Thanks for sharing!

Great experience, thanks for sharing


beauty liu playing games!!

I was just tasting the game. Totally don't expect spending a lot of time playing it - will hurt my eyes too much... lol

果然,刘大美女。哈哈 我终于知道刘哥这个绰号怎么来的啦。😄

