看看船隻爬上英國 Caen Hil 小山坡 - How a boat climbs uphill at Caen Hill, England

在 19世紀未有火車和高速公路前, 運河是英國用來運載貨物的主要渠道。Caen Hill 是國內多條運河其中一小段, 它特別之處是位於一座237米高的小山坡上。當年英國的工程可算是世界首屈一指, canal engineering 讓船隻可以爬升上山坡。

前幾個星期我到 Caen Hill 一日遊,這裡是一個很美又幽靜的大自然地方, 無論是假日一家大小去玩,或者像影片裏面的男士去渡過一個優閒的假期,這種休閒寫意的生活實在是很難得。

在影片裡面,我會帶大家去逛逛 Caen Hill ,看看白天鵝在暢泳,從河裡釣到一條小魚的樂趣,和親目船隻怎樣爬上小山坡。


The other week I posted about Caen Hill and the beautiful surroundings. In my post, I mentioned I met a guy cruising along the canal and how I saw the locks in operation. It's really very fascinating, how a simple mechanism enables vessels to climb up a hill. I've edited my video now to show the entire process, it's a bit long than my normal videos but it's totally worth it to watch to the end. The video voice over is in Chinese, and I have English subtitles, but I wouldn't be too concerned about what I have to say 😄 as the video content speaks for itself. Enjoy!



Although my Chinese is a bit rusty 😁 😛 the video is very nice. It's great to see those places again.

I'm sure you're Chinese will be uo to speed again in no time. 😉


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That pretty cool. I would have thought that the gates were automatic (or mechanised) rather than done by hand. Thats interesting. Cool video

I've seen some mechanic ie you wind the locks open and close, but I think part of the fun and enjoyment is to do all the manual work!! Notvto mention it retains its original character


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