CNBLUE Long Awaited Comeback | CNBLUE 終於回歸啦!

in HIVE CN 中文社区3 years ago (edited)

Hi Everyone/ 大家好,

Since the guys from the CNBlue group were in the army and finally back outside, they can now focus on their band with a member less. As a fan of the Korean band, I have followed them since they started in Japan and then releasing their songs in Korea. 2 days ago, they released their EP called Re-Code. This is probably named due to their band now reduced from 4 to 3 people as the other band member was involved in some scandal in Korea. Once you are involved in any scandals, you don’t get given much of a chance.

自從三位成員退出軍隊之後大家都期待他們下一張專輯會什麼時候推出.事隔三年八個月之後終於有新專輯叫 Re-Code. 我從他們在日本出道到現在都是他們的粉絲所以都非常期待. 之前其實有四位成員但今次回歸變成三個但沒有減退粉絲的期待.本來有第四名的成員但因為最近在韓國惹上醜聞所以唱片公司決定不跟他續約.


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source- itune

There are only 5 songs in this EP and so far, the tunes have been very nice and relaxing. I have yet to learn the lyrics but I will slowly learn them over the weeks to come. After 3 years and 8 months of the last release, this one has been highly anticipated by fans around the world, including myself. My kids normally listen to their songs in the car in particular like songs like Loner, Love Girl, Can’t Stop and so on. I haven’t played the songs to the kids yet but I’m sure they will be excited to hear some new music from the band. I’ll also be expecting them to appear in more shows in Korea to promote their songs which is very common for bands in Korea.

今次張專輯有五首歌而這幾天聽的時候覺得很舒服. 雖然還未記得歌詞但相信這幾個星期內都會學識一兩首. 我兩個小朋友都很喜歡他們的歌因為開車的時候都會不停播例如 Loner, Love Girl, Can't Stop 等等.今次他們他還沒聽新歌但相信會很快在車上會放給他們聽.Cnblue 的粉絲都會繼續期待未來幾星期在不同韓國電視綜藝節目上見因為每次有團隊出碟都會上電視宣傳,這些時間是粉絲最開心的時候.



animation by @catwomanteresa

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00后可能不知道他们是谁 XD

hahah 他們都不是和老啊,還年輕哈哈