"Memorial Day to Mark the End of World War 2 in Japan 終戦記念日" [English and Japanese]

in Hive JP2 years ago


"Memorial Day to Mark the End of World War 2 in Japan"

August the 15th is recognized as the memorial day to mark the end of World War 2 in Japan. In 1945, on August the 15th, Japan officially announced via the emperor that the war was over and Japan surrendered and had lost. It was 77 years ago. I think 77 years could be "already" or "still" or more bodily sensations for people...

My grandparents experienced and survived World War 2. I am the third generation from it. I never experienced the war through my body but I can't forget what I heard, what I learned, and what I still recognize about many facts. Also, strangely, I feel fear when I see airplanes above me. I always imagine how scary it was or how people ran away when the airplanes were attacking them. I will never forget August the 6th, 9th, and 15th as memorial days because these are very sad and sensational days in Japan. If you want to know details about Hiroshima and Nagasaki, please read here or here written by @dbooster in English with photography.

Every time I learn the facts about the war's history, my heart pounds and becomes very painful. It is very shocking and shouldn't have happened. There are many different types of victims. All countries have many sad stories and victims and are still trying to heal. When I was young, I learned about World War 2 and self-studied because I wanted to know why the war started. Today, I will write about some war survivors' stories who are and were near me.

My grandfather was a very talkative person usually but was very quiet when he watched or heard about wars on TV, so I felt that maybe I shouldn't ask him about the war. One day, I asked him some questions once because I knew that he had to join mandatory military service. He told me a little bit of his story but not much. He looked sad. I stopped asking more questions. My mother told me that he was supposed to fly on that day to attack a different country but he had severe sickness in the morning. Then, he stayed at the hospital on that day. His crew went on their schedule and they never came back... All gone. That's why my grandfather didn't want to talk about that much. I was lost for words even though I was young at the time. My aunt told me that he cried when he told that story to her a couple years before.

My grandmother was a few years younger than my grandfather. She was working for the military headquarters. I was also in shock when she told me that story. She was very young at that time but she had to work for the country like that... It must have been very hard work and a painful job. They were supposed to be playful and study many happy things around that generation. It is so sad that uncountable people have huge trauma from war all over the world including young children.

One of my husband's old students in Japan was a trustworthy doctor in my hometown coincidentally. He told us that he survived the Hiroshima atomic bomb day near Hiroshima. He was sick on August 6th, 1945. His mother was working in a factory in downtown Hiroshima but she had to stay and take care of him on that day instead. Then, at 8:15 am, they heard a huge sound. When they looked out their window, they saw the huge mushroom cloud above the city... His mother survived and he went on to become a brain surgeon, saving many lives- he even went on to help my grandfather! This story was also very shocking.

People have many types of war stories, and we want to keep hearing their truths. However, 77 years have passed. Survivors are getting older and older. I never wrote about my grandparent's story but I think I have to write it. I don't want to pass this war habit to younger generations. Unfortunately, war is still happing around the world. I am hoping every day that wars will stop as soon as possible. I am sharing a sunflower photography art as a prayer for all people who were damaged by war.



わたしの祖父母は第二次世界大戦を生き残ってきました。わたしは戦後の第三世代になります。自分自身が戦争経験者ではないのにも関わらず、自分が聞いたこと、学んだこと、それに未だに学び続けている戦争のことは忘れることはできません。不思議なことに、頭上を飛行機が飛ぶと恐怖を感じます。当時の人たちはどれだけ怖かったのだろうとか、飛行機が攻撃してきたらどうやって逃げたのだろうなどとよく考えます。さらに、8月6日、9日、15日という悲しい日付も忘れることができません。広島と長崎についての詳細は コチラ またはコチラ をお読みください。@dbooster. さんが詳しく写真付きで書いた英語の記事があります。








My grandfather was a medic in the war. He went to Europe. He was on the beaches in Normandy. I can't imagine the horrors he saw on that beach.

Like most people from that generation, he never talked about the war. He hated fireworks. Many vets hate fireworks because they are reminded of the sounds of war, so I guess that's not very surprising. He would bribe his kids on the 4th of July and say no fireworks but you can eat all the ice cream you want today.

My other grandfather was in the Italian air force. I don't know much about what he did. I know he didn't want to be in the war and he didn't like Mussolini but that's all I know.

Anyway, it's good to write these things down. With history, usually the 4th generation from an event is when things start to be forgotten and history starts to repeat. We need to try to share all our stories to keep these memories alive and do our best to prevent it from happening again.

Anyway, thank you for sharing your grandfather's story.

I feel sorry to hear about your two grandfathers who also experienced scary wars. Your grandfather witnessed horrible things as the medical person for sure. Yes, I also heard that many people don't want to hear fireworks, jets, or bang bang sounds at all. It’s good to share this kinds of stories even though it’s not always happy stories. We can keep on telling and sharing our ancestor's stories like this!