The law of sowing and reaping

in Speak Peace3 years ago
Sometimes people don't know that there's a record book somewhere, where all you do is being recorded without your knowledge. In fact, the way life is, no matter what you do, whether good or bad, it has a way of playing back directly or indirectly as time goes.

I have seen people do really mean things, thinking they will get away with it because they are smart, but that large book of nature must keep record. One thing about that book is that it contains all the laws of life. So once it records an action, it will match it with the corresponding law and gets ready to reciprocate.

When people in a higher position take advantage of their subjects and treat them as weaklings, the subjects will just be helpless and accept whatever they see as their fate, but the bigger book of nature takes record of all that is being done without the doer's knowledge.


In life, people who are really mean and wicked are ignorant of the fact that nobody sows without reaping. That is why they blame whatever happens to them in future on the devil. Some will go ahead to say it's the work of their enemies, while others will blame it on witches and wizards. One advice I do give people is that people should always screen their thoughts, because every wicked act first came as a thought. What do you think of your fellow human?


Seriously, it's not everytime that someone needs to rain curses on another before the person gets punished. A drop of tear you cause someone is already enough curse for you.

I have also met someone without a conscience. No matter what she does, her conscience would never blame her. She employed people to work for her and she would owe them, while those young employees will be begging her for salary just to feed. The salary in question is just a minimal amount that cannot even sustain them up to a month, yet she would still owe.

She threatens them with salary deduction anytime something goes bad in the office, and effectually, she will end up slashing their salary again for repairs which does not even concern those innocent workers.

One day I overheard her talking on the phone, telling her friend she is took her landlord to court, and is paying those people to keep adjourning the session. She said she has lived there for over nine months without paying rent. She also added that her landlord is uneducated and she will keep threading on him. What height of wickedness!

We wish that the world would be a better place to live in but still, people's action negates that. Sometimes I wish that when it's time to reap, these people will actually know that it is the reward of their wicked acts that they are getting. Everybody is human and deserve to be treated as such.

No matter the position you see yourself today, treat someone the way you would love to be treated. Nobody knows tomorrow. The same cup you use in measuring for someone, would be measured for you, and yours will run over..

Thanks for having me... Yours truly!


The point is said already we sow for what we want to reap

We can choose our choices but we can't choose our consequences.
Thanks for your post

Can we just make this world a better place for all...I truly don't understand what people stand to gain from being inhuman... I hope we all learn from this write up. Thank brother.