in Speak Peace2 years ago

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What is garri?

This is a question that I do not need to answer. I mean we all know what garri is, but for the sake of formality I will answer the question.

Garri – also known as cassava flakes – is the granular flour obtained by processing the starchy tuberous roots of freshly harvested cassava.

That was the Wikipedia definition.
Time for my own definition.

What is Garri?

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Garri is a treasure.
Garri is beautiful.
Garri is culture.

You might think I'm exaggerating but I mean every word.
Garri is so valuable to our identities as Nigerians, that I would argue that it's a better test of nationality than almost anything else.
You might be in Nigeria, you might be from Nigeria, but you can't be called a TRUE Nigerian unless you have tasted the grand grains of garri.

Where did garri come from?

I think a lot of us can argue that garri is a gift from the heavens.
But historically speaking, garri was introduced to Nigeria in the 19th century, when formerly enslaved people brought with them the knowledge of food processing.
From them, we learnt how to turn cassava into cassava flakes AKA Garri.
Now, no one actually knows the identity of these Patriots, but whoever they were, they deserve multiple Nobel prizes.
I've been talking about how garri is great for a while now, but I've not actually talked about why garri great.
Where exactly does everyone love garri so much?
What makes it so precious?
Well, you're about to find out.


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There are a lot of reasons why Nigerians love garri so much that I could make a whole book out of it.
But I'll keep things short and sweet by listing the three most important reasons why garri is so vital to the Nigerian ecosystem.

Time for the breakdown.



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Majority of Nigerians including most of you reading this know what the cruel hands of SAPA feels like.

When there was no money in the account,
When kitchen was dry.
What was there...

When bag of beans was dragging price with 1 plot of land,
What was there...

When plastic rice was impersonating real rice,
What was there...

The affordability and availability of garri has become a lifesaver for many Nigerians.
With bread being 70% air and cup of rice dragging price with litre of fuel, it's not been easy for a lot of people.

If you ever wonder why garri is so popular, it's because it has saved a lot of people.
People that don't have anything to eat for the day could always rustle up some garri,
Students that are too broke could always count on their neighbors to have garri.

Garri is a friendly food.
Garri is the ultimate Sapa warrior.



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Beans, groundnut, peanut, moimoi, dodo, kulikuli, akara, suya, fish, milk, tea...
These are Just some of the numerous wives and concubines of garri.
Garri doesn't discriminate. Garri is not racist.

It really bugs me when people think drinking garri is a sigh of poverty.
Garri is one of the most versatile foods out there.
It can go from a very simple meal to a very grandiose meal.

Just like other foods, it depends on what you take it with.
You don't just eat white rice, you add stew.
You don't just eat corn flakes, you add milk.

It's the same with garri.
Sure it is fundamentally a very basic meal, but the more you add to eat, the more nutritious and delicious it becomes.
I mean, have you seen Obasanjo and Davido's garri.
Garris with PhD...
That's what they call ✨GARIUM



Apart from the fact that garri is quite easy to make, it also has a beautiful property. It can transform to swallow, more specifically, Eba.

It is also quite unique in this regard as it is the only granulated flour that can be taken both in powdery form and solid form.
I dare you to drink elubo or poundo yam powder.
You can't!

So not only can you enjoy garri by drinking it,
You can also enjoy garri in eba form with a wide variety of soups.

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Put some respect on garri's name joor.

In conclusion, garri is an integral part of Nigeria's culture. It is one of the biggest warriors against SAPA and it is one of the most loved things in Nigeria.
Not to mention some of the funniest memes you'll ever see about garri.

Free advice to anyone reading this; next time you want to greet the average Nigerian, just say the following:

"More funds to your wallet
More beans to your garri"
Say this and watch a beautiful friendship blossom.

Before I go I would like to drop a quote by my good friend @monioluwa
It goes:

Jazz has to be mankind's second greatest invention...
Garri is the first.

Thank you for reading.

Stay buzzing,



Sincerely, I can't relate 😂

I don't remember the last time I had garri

I don't even have a grain of garri in my house.

It's been ages I had that cassava proceed.

I almost always forget it exists in the first place 🤣🤣

Of course it's not compulsory to take garri everytime or even for a very long time

A lot of us don't even think about it when there are better choices

But we cannot deny that garri has played a pivotal role in this our dear country (#Sapa fighter)

What matters is that you have tasted of it and that makes you a true full-blooded Nigerian😂

Thank you for reading 🙌🏻💙

Haha... I accept oooo... No capping....

God When! Show me the way 🥲

Hahaha... It's not like that oooo

You have narrated the signs and wonders of garri..

Garrie to ye world.
You for go foodiesbeehive

You have narrated the signs and wonders of garri..
Garrie to ye world.

I hereby appoint thee an honorary member of guild of garri knights😂😂😂

You for go foodiesbeehive

Omo, I no even think am
Next time when I post about indomie, I go post there😂

Thanks for reading boss🙌🏻

Lol... Your memes are hilarious 😹..

Thank youuu!
I was inspired by garri🌚

Thanks for reading

🤣This is gold! You are right. Garri is the ultimate sapa warrior. Gosh. I love this Content with so much humor and information with culture promotion. I look forward to more. Keep Hiving!

Thank youuu🥺🥺
Such kind words😤💙

I'm also looking forward to releasing more like this
Had a lot of fun writing 😂😂

Stay buzzing!

Man! You spoke fact. There were times when there was nothing but only garri to save us. Thank God Garri exist if not, where would we run to 😪

Man as in... garri should just be added to first aid boxes in this country...
Na the real lifesaver be that

Thank you so much bro💙

I love the humour mixed with creativity in this post. Truly you did justice to this garri eulogy post.

I must greet you specially. Your post show, your writing style shine! Keep it up! @writermaximus

Thank you for the kind words brother 🥺🥺
They mean a lot

I'm glad I was able to give garri the tribute it deserves 😤

Thank you for reading🙌🏻

No, thank you for the tribute. Garri has been saving lives since when? Your post made my day.

You're too kind
I'm glad you liked it

Your words have encouraged me to officially invite thee into the guild of garri knights🌚

Rise! Sir Garium the third😤😤😤

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Garri to the world🤭

Loud it my brother! 🙌🏻

Beans, groundnut, peanut, moimoi, dodo, kulikuli, akara, suya, fish, milk, tea...

You take Garri with Tea?! Come on man! 😂😂

I also agree to the fact that we do not appreciate the existence of Garri enough. We need to do more.
I'll be looking forward to more Garri-themed contents from you.
Stay buzzing man! 😅