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RE: Raised On Song's And Story's - An Evening Of Irish Folk Song's

in Hive Open Mic3 years ago

Proud of you for stretching out into a new experience, presenting a set of five songs, live on Hive. Epic. To me, your set starts out strong with the first song, an excellent choice that shows your genuine appreciation for the traditional Irish folk song. The Irish flavor is totally evident in your accent, and even in your ordinary storytelling. I like the storytelling a lot! Authentic. I feel it is real, raw, and relatable - definitive aspects of compelling storytelling. The third song stands out to me too. The final song feels like a grand finale for sure. Each song has its moments. Your overall sound is really developing. Cheers!

Thank you for joining in and enjoying Hive Open Mic


Thanks so much for the kind words and for providing the opportunity and platform for me to do something like this.

I guess I might try this again in the future if the weekly theme suits it. Its good practice for me to try playing a few songs back to back and the feedback I got from this has been incredibly encouraging.