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RE: Autumn can be a sad time

in Hive Open Mic2 years ago

Hello Jerry, welcome to the Hive Open Mic community, it is a pleasure to have you here and to share your music with us, certainly this piece is very melancholy and evokes sad emotions, but nevertheless, it is still a beautiful piece of music!!!

I hope you are well since what you say about your cousin brother and your sister is difficult to assimilate...

Friend, your interpretation has been very nice, I liked it a lot, however, in the community we work based on weekly themes chosen by the Spotlight Artists, in addition to the fact that the presentations have certain requirements to be valid, if you want to join us more often, I invite you to enter the community profile and take a look at the pinned posts, there is the respective information of what I am telling you.

Greetings friend, if you have any questions I will gladly answer you, I wish you much success! 👍😉


I had this discussion a little over a month ago with one of your admins or something.

Hello @hiveopenmic .
I used to participate frequently before the split from steemit, and things have been up in the air for me since then, but NOW I am beginning to work on songs and recordings again.
Has this morphed so that now there is no other option but to post a song or songs according to the theme?
Please advise
hiveopenmic68MOD ~ CURATOR15 days ago
Hi @jerrytsuseer, it's good to hear from you. We like our themes because they rally us together, sharing a common musical current.
However, this is a pressure-free invitation. Musicians always have full freedom to bring whatever music feels inspired in the moment.

To me, having a THEME That I must conform to concerning my submission is like the FREEWRITE prompts that I dislike so much.
I guess this:
However, this is a pressure-free invitation. Musicians always have full freedom to bring whatever music feels inspired in the moment was inaccurate

Music is what it is. If you don't like my works, I will not post using your tag any longer. This WAS the first since Hive became a thing. Prior to that it was Steemit Openmic and I participated REGULARLY.

I stated in the text in this post that I was not TRYING TO JOIN A CONTEST, that is another thing I dislike so much about "the new hive" that is steadily driving me away.

Why does everything have to be a contest, pitting us against each other? Rather, why can we not simply post our content?

Never fear @fernanblog, I shall not use the tag again, and I shall depart the community soon.

Friend I think you are taking my comment the wrong way, you are welcome whenever you want and you can certainly express yourself freely, this is not a contest, only that to present your video and that it is well valued you must follow the presentation guidelines!!

I think that at no time have I insinuated that we do not want you in the community, we have artists of your quality and from all over the world and the idea is that you feel comfortable publishing with us since the work of each content creator is worth the same as yours; I was just making a suggestion, remember that each community has its own rules.

I'm sorry if my answer offended you, it really wasn't my intention, you are free to decide, the doors are still open in the community for your work ¡have a nice day!

this is not a contest, only that to present your video and that it is well valued you must follow the presentation guidelines!!

So could you summarize those guidelines please, since it seemed to me that to present something it had to be of a certain theme

I will gladly explain; certainly every week a theme is chosen for all of us to express ourselves through music, however it is not an obligation that what is presented to us is related to the theme, but it would be ideal.

First, in the title of your video, you must put Hive Open Mic Week ____ (write the number of the current week) and then put the title of the song and tell us if it is a cover or an original song. Let's do the example with this presentation that you made, it would be like this:

Hive Open Mic Week 129 / September Song (Cover) By @jerrytsuseer

When you start your video you must say before starting to play your song: Hive Open Mic week ____ (it also mentions the current week) say your username and start with your presentation, if you want to say a few words before performing, you can do so.

In the written part of your post, you must tell us why you chose your song and relate it (if you wish) to the theme of the week...

This is mainly the requirements to publish with us, and later if we have to make any observations or suggestions, they will be made in the comments of your video, your presentation is also commented on since we like to enjoy everyone's work!!!

And in EVERY instance you've quoted, it was a requirement to ENTER THAT WEEK COMPETITION.
I did not want to enter a competition, I just hoped to get some musical eyes on my post, that would appreciate my efforts.

When I used a screen shot of your opener, I deliberately cut out any mention of what week, because A. I didn't know where you were in that ongoing COMPETITION, nor did I care to participate in any COMPETITION.

So I guess that makes it clear enough. Thanks

Don't worry friend, as I told you, you are free to decide, sorry for the inconvenience caused, have a nice day!!!

I have just scrolled all the way through the post I reblogged.
NOWHERE do I see a list of guidelines. Rather I see post after post being congratulated mostly in Spanish it seems.
To find out, I guess I must GO to the community and try to translate something I can understand

Here is what your community says:
Each week is a new event encouraging musicians to share songs with an international audience. All walks of life are welcomed here. We stand for global harmony.

Produce your song.
(I recorded my video just before posting it)
Present your video.
(I did quite a bit of work inserting Green Screen backdrops suitable for the song)
Promote your link.
(Did I not do that? Was I supposed to post the link to some server I am unaware of?)
Practice deep listening.
(I don't even know what that means. It sounds like something my Mental Health Counselor would say to me)

What did I miss? What did I do wrong that makes my submission unfit for the community, I would really like to know @fernanblog

In the comment I just made before this I explain. When promoting your link is mentioned, it means that in the post where the weekly theme is published, you must place the link to your video there so that the other artists visit you and when it refers to practicing deep listening it means that it will be very important listen to other users' presentations and kindly leave them comments about their presentations. The idea of our community is to grow together and strengthen the links between all the musicians who participate week by week!!!