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RE: 🎵 “In The Now” (Original) - Live Music for Hive Open Mic 104

in Hive Open Mic2 years ago

I loved the phrase "I've been waiting for a new sun to replace the old one", I think it's a thought that somehow goes through our minds when we want to move from a place we don't want to be. This original theme enjoys great content and depth, as always you have brought us excellent work dear brother.


Yes, thank you so much for understanding where I'm coming from with that line. It means a lot to me that you would listen intently and play the game of comprehending the message and its medicine.

Sí, muchas gracias por entender de dónde vengo con esa línea. Significa mucho para mí que escuchen atentamente y jueguen el juego de comprender el mensaje y su medicina.