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RE: HIVE OPEN MIC Week 127 (Theme - Tevazu/Humility): Cover Song "Mama Shabalala" by Johnny Clegg/Juluka

in Hive Open Mic2 years ago

Johnny Clegg was an incredible influence and guiding light in ZA music.

Nicely done. 👏

It's a great, great song... now going to be added to my "Rise in Love" playlist.

Perhaps one day I'll sit outside Wynberg Magistrate Court and sing it for them. ❤️💥


Thank you so much for listening! I'm a big Johnny Clegg fan - he took it really seriously. There is some documentary footage where he explains and plays pure traditional Zulu songs to explain how he learnt to incorporate it into the Juluka blend!

It's been great to discover you and some other new South Africans this week... I think we have at least 20-30 to build a Community around if we so choose. If @zakludick doesn't do that soon then perhaps I should... haha!

Explain the "Rise in Love" and Wynberg Magistrates comment? So you are Cape Town based? So are we! (Zak, Claire, Steve, Therneau, myself, etc...)

I'll get there 😋. Soon

Well I consider myself a citizen of the world these days.

But it's always cool to meet fellow South Africans 😊

The Rise in Love thing is a playlist I'm adding to all the time. I"m a bit of an activist by nature. I can't not get involved in things that need getting involved in as it turns out. I blame my parents. Of course 😁

The courts? Not today. More will follow on Hive about our "justice" system. But not today. It's a beautiful day in Cape Town today. Summer seems to have arrived early! 🌼

Hmmm, I also have a story about the SA justice system that I need to write... not good.

We should start a band.