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RE: We May Have Sold the House Already!

Oh my Buddha!!

I have a WONDERFUL friend who lives in Tassie down near Cygnet in a place called Tinderbox. She has been living here in years past and is a dear, dear soul whom I KNOW you will get on well with. Yell when you get down that way and I'll connect you.

So a white christmas might be on the cards?? LOL. I remember with great delight hiking through snow at Cradle Mountain in November... 😆

Soooo excited for you!


OH gosh yes we went over Tassie mountains on NYE once in snow!

Tinderbox - wow!! Yes we saw some properties there, amazing. It's on that side of Hobart we are looking too. Narrowly missed out on an amazing place yesterday - a bit heartbreaking and disappointing as we thought we had all our ducks in a row!!!

I'm not sure we'll be there by Christmas, but hopefully next Christmas. Feeling a bit sad to leave this beautiful property if I'm honest - but a new life awaits.