We May Have Sold the House Already!

in Silver Bloggers2 years ago

Can someone hand me the anchor? As my boat is drifting away... wait... let me just SQUEEEEAAAALLLL.

As you might know, we had plans to move to Tassie.

As in, yep, we're looking for a place, and we're planning to move there in a year, if things all line up. We thought we'd have to do a bit of work on the house to get it ready to sell, find a job in Tassie, organise our finances and so on.

And then Dad rang and said he'd found someone to buy our house, and he'd bring them over in an hour.

What. The. Actual. Fuck. The house was a mess! I have never cleaned so fast in my life. Both beds made, bathrooms wiped down, kitchen mopped, house vacuumed, and basically anything else shoved in cupboards, like a teenager would throw things under the bed.

The short story is that they loved it, wanted to buy it, and move in asap. We're talking before Christmas. That means that somehow we have to pack up and find somewhere to live super fast, with no house lined up in Tassie and no job as yet. This is terrifying! And what do we do with the bees? The chickens? The harvest? The cars? Our whole lives? And we did really, really love this place.


But, we asked for adventure and here is is! In the next week we'll get a couple of valuations from real estate agents and see what we can get, and give them a price. We'd save so much in real estate agent fees, and as they like the house, we don't actually have to do anything with it.

There IS a house we love in Tassie, and we've been wondering if we can afford it. They're selling super fast down there, so we may have to move fast on an offer. And the husband emailed a heap of schools last night and already may have a job lined up. We didn't really want another mortgage, but might have to add an extra 100k to get the house of our dreams rather than something 'less than' that we have to do up and waste our lives renovating again. A small mortgage is do-able, and if it's a nice place in a nice area we won't have any trouble finding someone to air bnb it for the extra cash.


Honestly, we didn't expect things to move so fast and my heart is breaking leaving this garden, but life awaits.

Bring it on!!

With Love,


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Sometimes things are just meant to be Riv. Nice work.

WOAH!! Doesn't it feel like it is all happening super fast? Sometimes fast is best.

It's so fast, I feel a bit ill!!! My garden! I lvoe this place! It's freaking me out some.

I'm freaking out on your behalf! When I moved here 12 years ago it happened in less than a month from the time I said "I think maybe I don't want to be HERE anymore..." Just over three weeks later I was on the road with my small bakkie (I don't know what the english van is for what Americans call their trucks) and trailer never to look back

Oh my!! Sounds like you're adding a little adventure and warp speed to your adventure! All the best as you plod along!

No plodding here...eeeek!

The Universe is funny sometimes, we ask and she delivers immedietly 😁 but it is always for good. Even though moving can be stressful I kind of like it, it gives me a feeling similar to starting a new notebook - you can start fresh. Sounds like you are ready for an adventure 😊

I know, we shouldn't have asked!!! He he.... Scary as. i love the notebook analogy!

That’s crazy! Sometimes life moves super fast and things come up you can’t say no to! Fingers crossed for you two! I think this will be amazing!

WE are holding our breath and leaping - it's terrifying but the world belongs to the brave!

Wait... What?

Yep. Scary!!!! NO contracts signed yet, so still not definite but it's looking like it's happening..

In all honesty, my reply was to the title of your post ( but I meant it ). Will read the full thing in a bit and leave another reply haha

Exciting times, in so many ways! Did you see what Hive did today? ( more on that in my post )

Congrats on finding a potential buyer so quickly. Perhaps you could tie a short term lease into the seller's agreement to give some breathing room to the move.

Tha'ts what I would want, a two month settlement, but they need somewhere fast, so that's kind of conditional of fast sale...

Wow! What an amazing story!
But, let's be honest, who wouldn't want to buy your place?

I think it is amazing :<)

Onward and upward. Keep riding that wave!

It's terrifying!!!

Congrats!!! That's crazy quick!!! And you guys can complete the legal paper work so soon? It took me 8 months to find a buyer for my place and we're two months into legal stuff, still no sign of completion.

OH yeah that won't be an issue. IT's just a matter of getting a solicitor, that's all. Market here is crazy - 2019 our house was about 700 k, 2021 it's a million if we are lucky!!!

That’s the dream isn’t it. Move to Tassie. I’ll see you down there when I grow some balls and make a move.

That's the thing, we are really having to be courageous and throw caution to the wind. WE just know we don't want to stay around Geelong and it seems a perfect time to sell!

I obviously missed where you said you were looking to move to Tassie, because I didn't even realise your were looking at houses there until you sent me that link a couple of days ago. Next thing I know your house is practically sold! 🤣

All those new projects you've started there! Crazy girl. 😜

I know, it's killing me!!!!!! Don't worry it's all happened so bloody fast, it's freaking me out! STill, we haven't settled yet and we haven't found a place in Tassie - yet!

The cars... I have lots of space in the ranch for them. I'll take care, and cover them during cold nights, and take for a spin. I won't even charge for the services!


Best way to sell a house and cut out the middleman, I didn’t realize I wasn’t following you, just going through post-promotions on hive-Australia

oh dammit, and i hardly think to drop a link there! Same same.

That is CRAZY fast... gosh... sounds so exciting and terrifying all in the one go as you say..

we sold our hour 4 hours after we put it on the market last time too. Cray Cray. So hard leaving a garden... but you get to make a new one and can blog ALL about it.

keep us posted!!

blingit sarah

Wow... THAT just happened! It's funny how we can prepare ourselves to change locations and feel "ready" to sell our homes, but when it actually happens all of a sudden, the feeling can be far more "freaked out" than joyful.

Here's hoping everything works out just right for you!

Thanks so much. I'm having to steel myself somewhat against the niggles that bind me to this gorgeous property, knowing that change is good!!! Quelling the freaked out, inviting in the 'joyful'!

WHOA! That was fast! Hope you can manage to find what you want at the other end...

Wowy that is fast, scary, exciting AND sad, so many emotions, I can just imagine!
We're loving our home & garden and running the bnb but are not getting younger...sounds awful seeing those words here!
We put our names down on a waiting list at a lovely retirement village 5 min drive to the sea about 3 years ago & were told the waiting list is 5-6 yrs, suited us just fine! But received an email that a 3 bedroom home is up for a life rights sale...so we'll take a drive just to look next week even though we're still not ready to make a move to a more sedentary lifestyle just yet.
Yours is a really adventurous move but if you're both keen, it could turn into your best move ever!
Looking forward to seeing what happens 🤔🙃 It's all written in the stars ⭐⭐⭐

 2 years ago  

You sure don't do things halfway. I can feel your excitement through your post, and am happy for you.

Why do they want to move in so quickly? That seems a bit strange to me. Moving is extremely stressful. Having to rush through it would be even worse. Can't they slow down a bit? Another month? Although it does seem as if the pieces are all falling into place nicely.

Oh my Buddha!!

I have a WONDERFUL friend who lives in Tassie down near Cygnet in a place called Tinderbox. She has been living here in years past and is a dear, dear soul whom I KNOW you will get on well with. Yell when you get down that way and I'll connect you.

So a white christmas might be on the cards?? LOL. I remember with great delight hiking through snow at Cradle Mountain in November... 😆

Soooo excited for you!

OH gosh yes we went over Tassie mountains on NYE once in snow!

Tinderbox - wow!! Yes we saw some properties there, amazing. It's on that side of Hobart we are looking too. Narrowly missed out on an amazing place yesterday - a bit heartbreaking and disappointing as we thought we had all our ducks in a row!!!

I'm not sure we'll be there by Christmas, but hopefully next Christmas. Feeling a bit sad to leave this beautiful property if I'm honest - but a new life awaits.

I had to chuckle at the frenzied cleaning scene. I know what that's like but not in a large place.

Congratulations! I admire anyone who just goes for it like you are. Yes I would be sad leaving a garden but I'm sure Tassie has one waiting for you if you want it.

Good luck with everything.

Always exciting when the ball starts rolling, it's amazing how quickly things happen sometimes. Go get em 😁