No succor, nor sucker, needed here: just no ridicule, ghosting, or scapegoating Plz & Thx

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago

#Support or #Succor?

Only yesterday, my sister messaged me, "You need us to support you and be there for these moments" after I posted an apology for a meltdown during a family gathering.


Today, Word Genius emailed me this particularly timely little gem:


"Sebastian decided he needed his sister’s succor to pick out the perfect engagement ring."

Succor sounds like "sucker," not like support,

i.e., not like suh-KOR?


No wonder nobody uses this word.

For the record:
I don't need "support," or even succor. What I need is a list of what I don't need. I function just fine without affirmations or emotional "support" from whoever. My dysfunction starts when I'm hit with the things I don't want to be:

-- Ridiculed
-- Scapegoated
-- Ghosted

For too may years (more than five decades!), I've been a target for a family member who ridicules me and blames me for stuff, a psychological move to vent safely on someone who loves unconditionally, instead of standing up to the real villain causing this person so much misery.

So, I'm closer to age 60 now than the Half-Century, 50, that stole up on me only yesterday (or so it seems). I'm getting letters from the AARP. I qualify for a Senior Citizen discount at certain stores. My mom, who's past age 80, finds this annoying. When she was young and struggling with five kids and a farm, that discount would have meant a lot. How many seniors are set and how many young families are struggling? That bit of "succor" - the ten percent discount at some stores -- is not equitable or logical.

So here again is what I need. It's so simple.

Just don't hate me, or hate on me.

Do I say stupid things or fail to mind my own business? Guilty. Am I alone in this, or is this an unusual trait for a family member to have? No. No. Categorically, no. I'm just the one most-blamed, most-resented, most-hated, for daring to offer my opinions.

Crabby old ladies on sitcoms get the laughs. I get ghosted.

I try to be civil, to avoid inflammatory words like "You need to," You've got to, "You should," or that killer, the one I've heard from infancy,

"Why didn't you just ----?"

Why didn't you just leave out that demeaning little "just" and stop asking my why I didn't have the brains to see what you yourself would have foreseen....

There's more I could say about people having #expectations of what others should do for them, buy for them, or not do, or not say.

There is much to be said for NOT SAYING things.

I have even more to say about people who disregard a parent's advice, get in over their heads, then cry out for the parent to bail them out. No. Just, no. You rejected some good advice (sneeringly, arrogantly, dismissively, or contemptuously). You had to learn the hard way. Now you want the person who's been there, done that, and tried to warn you, to come spend time and energy (and money) to get you out of the fix you're in.

How many of us can harden our hearts and say no when the offspring want our assistance after rejecting our suggestions on how to stay out of debt or out of trouble?

While I'm grousing here, there's a lot I could say about hearing people put words in my mouth. I say one thing. They hear another thing. Then they accuse me of having said this or that, when I meant something entirely other.

But I'm not gonna say it all today.

Today's message is that I don't need "succor" or support; I just need to be Not Blamed, Not Accused, Not Scapegoated, Not Ghosted.

I do not seek praise, admiration, book sales, affirmations, upvotes, or Likes. I know: here at Hive, who doesn't welcome upvotes, comments, and link-sharing? But I don't do things or say things in hope of upvotes. I say what I need to, in order to vent or share information I feel is imperative or at the least, interesting.

That meltdown, the other day. Was I a moron for losing it? Of course. Could I have chosen to just SAY NOTHING and carry on without protesting that I'd had enough of being accused of stuff? Most days, yes, I could have, but I knew my "reserves" were already drained before I set foot into this place, a place that is loaded with triggers, and people who are quick on the draw. And no, NOT going to this place was hardly optional. Holidays, birthdays, Holy Days of Obligation to DNA Sharers. All that. This place is for the Silver Haired, right? Y'all don't need me to tell you that severing ties is an option. I chose not to shut doors or sever ties.

It's so easy. You don't have to "Support" me. Just don't yank my chain. Don't trigger me. I know, there is no way most of us could know what might "trigger" someone else.

Let me be me, and you can be you, and if you don't keep filling the Most-Valuable Real Estate of my mind with your problems, sob stories, dramas, and misery, I will manage not to have a meltdown. It takes a lot of daily maintenance, mental energy, meditation, and effort to keep myself from going crazy when I read the news or hear the latest conspiracy theory or statistics on evils being done unto us.

Let me be.

This is not a contest entry, but if it were, the one thing in my life I would change is this: SAY NOTHING.

Most all the troubles and travails, heartaches and slammed doors, could have been avoided if only I had kept my thoughts to myself. Other people, even those who are venting and complaining about their miserable situations, do not want advice. (Money, or your time doing favors, yes, they always want that.)


Nobody wants to know how I would approach their problem, how I might deal with the bully, how I might go on strike and refuse to cave in to the demands of some despot seeking to exploit my loved one. I've seen so many people bruised, bullied, beaten down, broken, even to the point of dying, but not one of them wanted anything more than sympathy (or money, or my time). My thoughts? NOT WANTED.

So, if I had my life to live again, I'd practice the Mortification of Silence. Those Catholic monks and nuns in their monasteries and cloisters, working without words, are onto something.

Words. Nobody wants mine. Lesson Learned.

Or not. I keep dishing out words. It's like I'm the volcano with the hot lava that can't quit spewing.

Blog of the Week winners and new topic deadline: 28 June 2021

"If you could go back in time and change one thing in your life, what would it be? "


 3 years ago  

Why is this not an entry? It seems like an excellent one to me.

I have that family member too. Maybe every family has one. And when I finally blow my top, I say EXACTLY the wrong thing. I think she knows how to set me up. Unlike you, I stopped feeling obligated to be there. I keep my time to the bare minimum with this person if her presence cannot be avoided. I also never use the word should or any related verbiage, which is much more than I can say for the aforementioned family member. Nosy busy body who thinks she knows what is best for everyone, at all times. It must suck to be her.

when it comes to family,
is for suckers


You did a haiku!!!! Yay!!! It's perfect! And so is youre way of handling the succubus. :)

A friend who has no Hive account (and cannot comment here) messaged me via Facebook,

I was engaged to a man who let his daughter be homeless for 3 years rather than letting her mooch off of him because she refused to get a job. Could you do that? I couldn't. It worked though. She eventually straightened up and has been employed for several years.

No, as a mother, I could not have allowed my child to be homeless even for a day.
Call me a spineless wimp, but "Tough Love" feels so alien to me.

This friend also wrote,

How many times have I written in my journal that my mouth is like a volcano spewing poison? Too many to count. I try to be positive, but open my mouth and negativity comes out. I am a grumpy old woman, embittered, and I don't want to be!

I'd love to lure her away from Facebook long enough to join Silver Bloggers! But these blockchain social media groups have been too challenging for most of my friends. Half a dozen have tried it and give up. Only one stayed. And did she ever! She learned the ropes, connected with whales, created her own communities, and became a much bigger fish than I have ever aspired to be. I won't tag her or call her out by name, but she is one in a million, and she is the only example of someone who heeded a suggestion, followed up on it, then skyrocketed to heights I hadn't even dreamed of.

It's the week for family drama, evidently.

I'm soooo sorry you've gone out of your way (another airport, another trip away from the comfort and security of your own home) only to get gobsmacked again by the DNA-sharing humanoids who are supposed to be family. Meh. Let them go. Love the ones you're with, the ones who know you and love you unconditionally and don't harbor all those delusions.

I love this quotable quote from you:

That’s what makes these things so hard to take: if we were simply dealing with reality, we could comb through memories and try to find what needs fixing. But instead, we’re having to tiptoe around delusions and distortions, and nothing is reliable, not even their own words.

Welcome to my world. (And yes, I never totally gave up the dream of changing the world! "Be the change you want"--yes, I try!)

I don't think I told you that my son threatened to come after me if I ever publish a memoir. Hmmm... I wonder what makes him so nervous? I am, however, thinking of re-publishing all my books under a different name, since my current pen name is a combination of his and my daughter's middle names. That's something we can look at when Michel and I stand up the new publishing company, hopefully later this year.

 3 years ago  

I love watching your train explode on my blog. How did you do that?

Just search for "crashing train gif" and copy the URL when the video (gif) you want comes up.
if I can do it ANYONE can....

I have done the sever ties thing. It's not easy. It's very sad but better than the lies, manipulation and toxicity.

I do the silence thing. However, there comes a time when one has to vent. Having a space to do that is helpful. Like here. Or on the pages of a journal. I have done that so often and then destroyed them. Sometimes I wish I hadn't.

Personally, I think this is a brilliant entry.

Thank you so much!! I didn't figure this would meet the requirements of the contest.
Brilliant?? I'll take it!! (Do not scoff at or dismiss a compliment: another life lesson.)
I'm sorry you have had to sever ties. It seems to be a growing movement these days.
You're right about venting, and I'm sorry for the journal entries you wish you hadn't destroyed.

I am glad. I used to be embarrased about being estranged and having severed ties. Acknowledging it, and that it's not what I'd have preferred, and that it was both hurtful and as survival strategy has been inordinately liberating. Although, at times it does weigh and hurtfully creeps up on one at times. It's life.

You're very much not alone in the distancing from toxic family.
I'm a floor mat by nature. It's hard to let go. I'm charlie brown, forever trusting Lucy with her football.
Thanks for reading and sharing such keep-worthy comments!

When my mother was alive, my life was full of land mines. Everything said and felt was emotionally convoluted or stunted because there was no straight talk. I wish I had written it all down, because it would make for some incredible stories.

I wish you'd recorded it too - though maybe for your peace of mind it's best forgotten?
The truth is too incredible for fiction. More and more I'm finding that old worshopper wisdom to be true.
You've turned out beautifully, however "convoluted" your childhood may have been!

Yes, I do think it is probably better left wherever sleeping dogs lie. It does come out in my fiction, but in a more palatable and believable way than it did back when I was trying to capture the reality of it!