Depression and old age, don't leave me alone

in Silver Bloggers16 days ago

The topic of depression has been much debated in recent times, therapists, coaches, analysts, psychologists, psychiatrists and many amateurs are in charge of giving "recipes" and activities that for not so mature people, in general, could be feasible or fairly easy to follow, let's not think about the result.

But the elderly, who do not have at their disposal, either physically or virtually, the presence of these, I am going to call them helpers, without trying to be pejorative, live their tragedy, (because it is) practically alone.

Telling a man, who tends to fall into bad mood and sadness all too often, that he could be going through depression is not easy at all, and nothing is achieved by making him see it if he cannot be given help and even worse if he refuses to receive it.


Forcing an elderly person to be grateful and to see that there are more benefits they have in their life, which they should value, is almost rude, to someone who is alone, has lost loved ones due to death or migration, has an illness that afflicts them, among others, if he alone does not do his recognition process, it is quite difficult for one to convince him.

I say it this way because I have a friend who is over eighty years old, with diabetes and the evils that arise from this disease and I do not know a more positive person than her, whenever I talk to her she gives me messages of faith and encouragement and I feel her energy. So nice.

Just like her, I know other women, which tells me that depression is not a scourge that will affect older adults, that there is a lot of predisposition about how life has been led before, who is prone to sadness in their earlier stages, perhaps they will maintain that tendency when they reach their mature stage.

However, those who live with someone with signs of depression should allow them to feel their anger or suffering; accompanying them without questioning them can be more helpful.

One of the most disturbing things is not being understood, trivializing the pain that may be felt, not giving it due importance and allowing it to set in and cause depression. Listening with interest to what the adult wants to say, even if he is repeating it for the umpteenth time, without criticizing or ridiculing him, can be a way to detect signs of possible depression that allow him to seek help.


The conversation, with someone who knows how to listen, offers relief for those who have a feeling of emptiness, or loss and require attention, sometimes that alone is enough to recover their spirits.

Older adults need to continue socializing, it helps a lot to stay mentally active. If he says that he feels lonely, giving him more loneliness is not beneficial, there is nothing he likes more than feeling useful. He keeps the learning that he wants to transmit and that feeling that he contributes his knowledge and knowledge to the environment is very beneficial.

We cannot forget that in theory we could all reach that stage and that what we are today as a spirit and feeling we will probably be later and we will also require that understanding.

Thank you for your kind reading.

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Old people just need companionship, help and understanding.

They don't want to and can't change, dealing with the pain is enough.

Nice post friend, beautiful reflection @charjaim 🤗

Yes, that support is valuable for those who are already going through bad times, accompanying them and listening to them without criticism is the best.
Kind regards