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RE: New theme - Blog of the Week for Monday 23 August 2021

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago (edited)

I sent 15 hive to community account, and you have the right to decide whatever you wanna do with it, I really want to joint the challenge, but something wrong with my childhood memory, when I erased the bad one..all the beautiful one also missing from my mind. Besides, Im learning about crypto now, LOL, just to distract my mind from just playing the game, But I'll try my best to be around the silver blogger.

Thank you Silver Flower


Ah, Silver Thumb, I am sad to hear about the memory blank but completely understand. There will be other topics like your dream retirement destination and you can let your imagination run...if, of course you only have time.

We like to think of all our Silver Bloggers as "best" and are so happy to have you as part of the community. Thank you so much for the 15Hive - we'll let you (and the community) know how we use them!

Happy game playing and learning about crypto!

 3 years ago  

I have put the next topic in my to do list because I take a challenge from #ctpcontent to create 30 posts in 30 consecutive days, So.. I'll make time to join you this week too. LOL.. the game is killing me, I couldn't get rid off it from my daily activities.

Hahaha! If you are a glutton for punishment, join @traciyork's November edition of @hiveblopomo 😉

 3 years ago  

Thank you so very much for your wonderful generous gesture @cicisaja. LOL enjoy gaming and playing around with crypto; you'll have to write a blog and teach us Silvers some crypto tricks when you get a break ;)

 3 years ago  

You're welcome @lizelle, of course I'd like to take an apprentice, lol.. Just Kidding. I'm learning about the crypto and only the basic thing like deposit, withdrawal, convert, savings and still many things to learn and I don't have the nerve to try everything. I joined a group of crypto expert from my country and I don't understand what they're talking about, lol.

I'll be around Dear Silver-Blond