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RE: Preparing for the unexpected

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago

Despite the situation, one need to push forward. I have seen someone who died leaving four children and his wife behind. They could not push forward because those children were still in their tender ages. The wife on the other hand could not cope with life just because of the love she had for her husband and after some months, she died.
The children were on earth alone and fending for ways to survive.

So, we should always take care of our health as the much as possible so that we will not have cause to leave our families just like that on earth.
I'm so happy that you are fine now and your daughter will indeed be happy to have you back.
You will never be prepared to say goodbye now because it is not yet time for you to leave. God shall give you strength and revive you. He alone shall save you.

 3 years ago  

The children were on earth alone and fending for ways to survive.

It is a terrible situation and I hope they are able to find ways to manage. The effects this can have is enormous.