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RE: Abandoned Friendship

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago

I SO understand you. I know exactly how you feel about not wanting to open up any more due to past experiences.

I can really relate to the lonely part. I have cried many nights from feeling friendless and lonely…it’s not a fun place.

I am so sorry to hear that you are currently experiencing this feeling. I hope healing an comfort come your way. ❤️


Thank you so much for your kind words, I know that past bad experiences can make us don't have new good friends because of the fear of opening up again and exposing ourselves to being hurt. But there are people who do care about us and are not bad company, you just have to give them a chance (something that can be too difficult). That's all depends of us.
I'm sorry you have experienced many sad and difficult moments, hope that time has given you strength and experience to improve and be happier with yourself. I want to learn of my bad moments too, to know me more, to be more happy.

I send you hugs, thanks for commented me, you are very kind ☺️. Nunca dejes de brillar ✨.

I definitely agree about giving those that do care a chance.

Yes, although the experiences were hurtful they have helped me grow stronger and wiser.

I send hugs back your way. You are very kind and thoughtful as well ~ 💖